Small Lamp Grass

Small Lamp Grass is an item in Local specialty material of Genshin Impact which use for characters and food recipe.

Small Lamp Grass Jade Characters

Description: A wild grass that emits light at night. Used in cooking to enhance other flavors.

What characters use Small Lamp Grass?

Characters that requires Small Lamp Grass as one of their ascension materials are: Amber, Diluc, and Fischl.

Beside characters, small lamp grass is also used in food recipe as well, so consider stacking up Small Lamp Grass for future use.

Where to find Small Lamp Grass?

Small Lamp Grass can be found exclusively within the. it is recomended to find Small Lamp Grass within the Wolvendom and Whispering Woods regions.

Genshin Impact Small Lamp Grass location updated

Try finding  this item at night, because Small Lamp Grass will emit a small light blue glow, which makes them easier to spot.

Beside trying to find it on the map you can also buy Small lamp grass from Flora Shop which cost 1000 mora and limited to five per day.

In conclusion, Small lamp grass is a useful items that requires for popular character like Diluc to level up and it's also needed in some food recipe as well.