AKS-74U VS PDW-57 Comparison

Find out the comparison between AKS-74U vs PDW-57 in Call of Duty Mobile here.

The comparison is mainly focused on each gun stats, gun skin perks and weapon attachment did not compare.

AKS-74U and PDW-57 Overview

Find out the comparison of AKS-74U and PDW 57 in COD Mobile here.

AKS-74U and PDW-57 have known as the good close-range SMG that can take down the enemy in just a few seconds. Which one is the best Sub Machine gun in COD Mobile. Let's settle it out!


AKS-74U VS PDW-57 Stats Comparison

Note: This is the original stats. No attachment equipped in the comparison.

Fire Rate6050


AKS-74U vs PDW-57 Comparison in Call of Duty Mobile.

AKS-74UAKS-74U has more fire rate, accuracy, and range than PDW-57, but it has low damage.

High fire rate: Having a higher fire rate is an advantage that allows the AKS-74U to shoot faster than PDW-57.

High accuracy: Having a higher accuracy allows AKS-74U to hit more targets as well as the moving targets.

High range: Having a higher range allows AKS-74U to shoot enemy further than PDW-57.


AKS-74U vs PDW-57 Comparison in Call of Duty Mobile.

PDW-57 has more damage, but it has less fire rate, accuracy, and range than AKS-74U.

High damage: Having higher damage allows PDW-57 to eliminate an enemy faster.

Comparison Result

AKS-74U win the comparison by having more fire rate, accuracy, and range than PDW-57 Sub Machine gun in COD Mobile.

View Other Gun Comparison


At this conclusion, you can see that AKS-74U clearly having higher advantages than PDW-57. Think the comparison result is not fair? Leave your comment down below.