Call of Duty: Mobile Season 6 Buffs & Nerfs Speculation

COD Mobile Season 6 test server has been released in China and the Leakers has dive into it right away to deliver you both Multiplayer and BR balance changes for Season 6.

Our special thanks to Leakers on Duty team for providing this translated information to the public.

Note: This is translated from CN test server, we can't guarantee that the buffs or nerfs will apply to the Global version.

COD Mobile Season 6 MP Balance Changes

Here are all weapons that will get buffs in Season 6 multiplayer game mode:


Improved range profile from 16-23m to 18-26m.


  • Large Caliber Ammo

Improved mag capacity from 29 to 32 rounds.

Decreased empty reload time (Bug Fix).


Increased pallet spread density.

AGR 5.56

  • 5.56 Ammunition

Decreased fire interval from 10% to 8%; from =88ms to =86.4ms [681.8 RPM to 649 RPM]. The lower the number the better.


Improved range profile from 8-14m to 9-16m.

Decreased Horizontal recoil.


Improved range profile from 16-25m to 18-28m.

Peacekeeper MK2

Improved lower arm damage multiplier from 1x to 1.15x.


Improved chest and arm multiplier from 1.1x to 1.5x.


Improved damage profile from 30-24-20 to 33-30-24-20.

Improved range from 0-15m-28m-28m+ to 0-9m-16m-28m-28m+.

Base movement speed improved from 4.92m/s to 5.09m/s.


Decreased ADS time from 470ms to 455ms.

Overall, weapons like Razorback, Koshka, and HVK (Large Caliber) receive a very good buffs that can make the gun more powerful to compete against current meta.


Improved damage.

Improved radius.


Improved movement speed.

Flash Drone

Effective range increased from 12m to 14m.

Storm Ball

Improved effect area from 5m to 7m.

Hawk X3 (Nerf)

Decreased duration from 32s to 24s.

Bull Charge (Nerf)

Decreased duration from 25s to 20s.

C4 (Nerf)

Increased detonation delay.

Gas Grenade (Buffs & Nerfs)

Increased slowing effect.

Effect range increased from 6m to 7m.

Duration decreased from 7s to 6s.

Along waited C4 nerfs has finally happens along side Hawk X3 and Bull Charge nerfs.

COD Mobile Season 6 BR Balance Changes

Here are all weapons and class that receive a balance changes in the upcoming Season 6:


Significantly increased Charge Up Speed

Centre Radius Damage increased to 200.

HS0405 (Nerfs)

Reduced Range from 4-7-11 to 3-5.5-10.

Rewind Class (Nerfs)

Recharge Time increased 45 seconds to 55 seconds.

Shockwave Class (Nerfs)

Radius Decreased 15m to 12.5m.

With the dominating of shotgun close range, the HS0405 nerfs means that KRM-262 will be more use in the next season.

While Tempest is nerfs in Multiplayer, it's get buffs in Battle Royale. A great operator overall.


In conclusion, Season is shaping up toward an SMG meta with the Razorback huge buffs and some other small buffs apply to other SMG as well.