MSMC VS Pharo Comparison

Here's the comparison between MSMC vs Pharo smg in Call of Duty Mobile.

The comparison is mainly focused on each gun stats, gun skin perks and weapon attachment did not compare.

MSMC VS Pharo Overview

MSMC vs Pharo - Gun Comparison in Call of Duty Mobile.

MSMC and Pharo are two of the best close range smg in Call of Duty Mobile that can eliminate enemy very fast. Both gun has very good damage and high mobility which is a good gun to run with.

MSMC VS Pharo Stats Comparison

Note: This is the orignal stats. No attachment is equipped in the comparison. These stats are taken from each weapon prime range.

  • MSMC (7 meters)
    • Chest Damage: 26.
    • Fire Interval: 65ms.
    • Aiming Time: 180ms.
    • Max Spread: 28.
  • Pharo (8 meters)
    • Chest Damage: 34.
    • Fire Interval in Burst: 68ms.
    • Aiming Time: 220ms.
    • Max Spread: 12.


MSMC has a lower damage, accuracy, and range than Pharo but it has higher fire rate.

High fire rate: Having higher fire rate allows MSMC to fire faster than Pharo and can also eliminate enemy faster as well.


Pharo has lower fire rate than MSMC but it has higher damage, accuracy, and range.

High damage: Having higher damage allows Pharo to eliminate enemy taking less shot than MSMC.

High accuracy: Having higher accuracy allows Pharo to fire more accurate than MSMC.

High range: Having higher range allows Pharo to hit the target that is farther than MSMC.

Comparison Result

After the stats comparison between MSMC and Pharo we now know that Pharo is a better gun to use than MSMC however, Pharo is a burst smg and MSMC is a full-automatic. So if you don't want to use burst, MSMC a way to go.

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