Singed Build, Runes, Abilities, & Matchups

In League of Legends Wild Rift Singed is a Tank champion that highly play in Baron lane. View Singed Best builds, Runes, Matchups, and more here!

Singed Build Guide

Full Build

Wild Rift Items: Rod of Ages | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerRod of AgesWild Rift Items: Rylias Crystal Scepter | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerRylias Crystal ScepterWild Rift Items: Boots of Swiftness | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerBoots of Swiftness
Wild Rift Items: Liandrys Torment | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerLiandrys TormentWild Rift Items: Abyssal Mask | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerAbyssal MaskWild Rift Items: Dead Mans Plate | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerDead Mans Plate

In Wild Rift Singed build items that increase Magic damage, Magic penetration, Health, and Move speed so he can be the Fighter / Mage of the team.

Enchantment: Wild Rift Items: Glorious Enchant | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Glorious is an enchant that you should build.

Support Tank

Wild Rift Items: Zekes Convergence | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerZekes ConvergenceWild Rift Items: Protect's Vow | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerProtector's VowWild Rift Items: Ionian Boots of Lucidity | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerIonian Boots of Lucidity
Wild Rift Items: Dead Mans Plate | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerDead Mans PlateWild Rift Items: Abyssal Mask | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerAbyssal MaskWild Rift Items: Randins Omen | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerRanduins Omen

Enchantment: Wild Rift Items: Locket Enchant | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Locket is an enchant that you should build. 

Singed Runes

The best Wild Rift Singed Runes are Aftershock keystone with Gathering storm, Conditioning, and Sweet Tooth.

Wild Rift Rune: Aftershock - zilliongamerAftershockAfter immobilizing an enemy champion, gain defenses and later deal a burst of magic damage around you.
Wild Rift Rune: Gathering Storm - zilliongamerGathering StormEvery 2 min, gain 2 AD or 4 AP. (Adaptive)
Wild Rift Rune: Conditioning - zilliongamerConditioningGain 8 bonus AR and MR after 5 minutes of game time.
Wild Rift Rune: Sweet Tooth - zilliongamerSweet ToothIncreases Honeyfruit healing by 25%. Each fruit also provides 20 gold.

Summoner Spells

Wild Rift Summoner Spell: Ghost - zilliongamerGhostGain a large burst of Movement Speed that then decays to 25% bonus Movement speed for 6 seconds.
Wild Rift Summoner Spell: Flash - zilliongamerFlashTeleport a short distance forward or towards the aimed direction.

Singed Abilities Guide

Skill Details

Singed abilities: Noxious Slipstream | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerNoxious SlipstreamDraft off nearby champions, gaining 20% bonus Movement Speed for 2 seconds.
Singed abilities: Poison Trail | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerPoison Trail

Toggle: Lay a poisonous trail that deals 20 magic damage per second.

Cooldown: 1

Mana Cost: 15

Singed abilities: Mega Adhesive | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerMega Adhesive

Tosses an adhesive that sticks to the ground for 3 seconds. Enemie in the area are slowed by 35% and grounded, preventing the use of movement abilities.

Flinging an enemy into the zone briefly roots them.

Cooldown: 13 / 12 / 11 / 10

Mana Cost: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90

Singed abilities: Fling | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerFling

Flings an enemy over Singed's shoulder, dealing magic damage equal to 65 plus 5% of the their max Health.

If the enemy lands in Mega Adhesive, they are rooted for 1.25 seconds.

Cooldown: 10

Mana Cost: 80 / 95 / 110 / 125

Singed abilities: Insanity Potion | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerInsanity Potion

Drink a potent brew of chemicals, granting 30 Ability Power, rmor, Magic Resist, Movement Speed, 6 Health Regen and Mana Regen for 25 seconds.

Cooldown: 80 / 70 / 60

Mana Cost: 100

Skill Orders

Singed abilities: Poison Trail | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerPoison TrailSinged abilities: Mega Adhesive | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerMega AdhesiveSinged abilities: Fling | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerFlingSinged abilities: Insanity Potion | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerInsanity Potion

Skill Combos

1. Singed abilities: Poison Trail | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Poison Trail > Singed abilities: Mega Adhesive | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Mega Adhesive > Singed abilities: Fling | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Fling.  

2. Singed abilities: Poison Trail | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Poison Trail > Singed abilities: Insanity Potion | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Insanity Potion > Singed abilities: Mega Adhesive | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Mega Adhesive > Singed abilities: Fling | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Fling.

Singed Matchups

Singed is Good Against
Wild Rift Garen | zilliongamerGarenSinged Singed abilities: Poison Trail | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Poison Trail can harass Garen very well in early game. 
Wild Rift Darius | zilliongamerDariusSinged Singed abilities: Fling | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Fling can use to counter Darius Darius abilities: Apprehend | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Apprehend and Darius abilities: Crippling Strike | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Crippling Strike. 
Wild Rift Wukong | zilliongamerWukongWukong has low base health and can Singed can take advantage by using the Singed abilities: Poison Trail | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Poison Trail to harass him. Singed can also use Singed abilities: Fling | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Fling to counter his Wukong abilities:Cyclone | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Cyclone as well.
Singed Worst Counters
Wild Rift Jax | zilliongamerJaxJax Jax abilities: Counter Strike | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer counter strike is a good ability to prevent Singed from come in and Singed abilities: Fling | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Fling him. Whenever Singed come close he well get stunt. Jax can also use Jax abilities: Leap Strike | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Leap Strike to hop away from your combo as well.
Wild Rift Tryndamere | zilliongamerTryndamereTrydamere is an aggressive fighter champions. He also has great mobility that can fight 1v1 well against a lot of champions. Tryn can dlow with his Tryndamere abilities: Mocking Shout | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Mocking Shout, and Can use Tryndamere abilities: Spinning Slash | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Spinning Slash to get away.
Wild Rift Fiora | zilliongamerFioraFiora is a high damage output fighter champion that can harass Singed with her Lunge and Counter Fling with her Riposte. Fighting 1v1 agains Fiora is not chance for Fiora to win.
Wild Rift Kennen | zilliongamerKennenKennen Kennen abilities: Lightning Rush | League of Legends Wild Rift lightning Rush can dodge Singed Singed abilities: Fling | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Fling and Kennen is a range champion that can farm and harass singed well if he try to get close.
Wild Rift Camille | zilliongamerCamilleCamille can lane bterter against Signed, She can use Camille abilities: Tactical Sweep | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Tactical Sweep to secure and stay out of singed harass ability Singed abilities: Poison Trail | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Poison Trail with her Camille abilities: Hookshot | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Hookshot.
Wild Rift Dr.Mundo | zilliongamerDr.MundoDr.Munndo passive Dr. Mundo abilities: Adrenaline Rush | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Adrenaline Rush can counter against Singed Singed abilities: Poison Trail | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Poison Trail.
Wild Rift Nasus | zilliongamerNasusNasus can lane well against Singed, Try to get stacks with Nasus abilities: Siphoning Strike | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Siphoning Strike and slow the enemy with Nasus abilities: Wither | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Wither. His Nasus abilities: Fury of the Sands | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Fury of the Sand also make Nasus stronger against you as well.

More Champion Guide

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