BK57 VS AK-47 Comparison

Here in the comparison between BK57 vs AK-47 we break through all the strength of both guns and let your vote decide on which one is the best gun among the two.

The comparison is mainly focused on each gun stats, gun skin perks and weapon attachment did not compare.

BK57 VS AK-47 Overview

BK57 vs AK-47 - Gun Comparison in Call of Duty Mobile.

Both BK57 and AK-47 have the same mobility which allows you to run on the same speed when holding the gun. Find out the comparison of both guns for each situation here.

BK57 VS AK-47 Stats Comparison

Note: This is the original stats of each gun. No attachment equipped in this comparison. These stats are from their weapon prime range.

  • BK57 (24 meters)
    • Chest Damage: 27.
    • Fire Interval: 91ms.
    • Aiming Time: 240ms.
    • Max Spread: 21.
  • AK-47 (20 meters)
    • Chest Damage: 36.3.
    • Fire Interval: 110ms.
    • Aiming Time: 280ms.
    • Max Spread: 17.


BK57 has lower damage and range than AK-47 but it has higher accuracy and fire rate.

High Fire rate: Having higher fire rate allows BK57 to shoot faster than AK-47.

High accuracy: Having higher accuracy allows BK57 to hit the enemy much easier than AK-47.


AK47 has higher damage and longer range than BK57 but it has lower fire rate and accuracy.

High damage: Having higher damage allows AK-47 to eliminate an enemy with less shots than BK57.

High range: Having higher allows AK-47 to deal more damage to the target that BK57 couldn't.

Comparison Result

The result after comparing BK57 and AK-47 clearly shows that both guns are good in different situations.

Close range

BK57 won the comparison by having higher fire rate and more accurate gun than AK-47 in close range situation.

Long range

AK-47 won the comparison by having higher damage and can hit longer target than BK57 which fit perfectly in long range situation.


In conclusion, These two guns can be used in two different situations and they both seem to stand out in own situation.

Which one you think is the best gun in COD Mobile among the two? Leave your vote down below.