Check out Undawn Homestead Store where you can find some materials that have in this shop featuring Furniture Formula, Structure Formula, Building materials, Homestead Cultivation, & Homestead party.
How to Find Homestead Store
Here are a few steps to find Homestead Store in Undawn. Go to The Top Right Button of your phone screen > Scroll Down & Click on Market > After that Click on Homestead Store as we mention in the image down below:
Furniture Formula
Here are some materials that you can buy from Homestead Store by using Homestead Point Currency:
Note: Click This Link Here => For How to Earn & Get Homestead Point Currency.
You can find a lot of Furniture blueprints that you can buy and decore in your homestead. Every Blueprint cost 4000 Homestead Points
Structure Formula
You can buy Blueprint Structure Lv.1 which cost about 2000 Homestead Points per item.
Building Materials
Here you can find a lot of Building Materials by using Homestead Points to buy. The price range of the items is from 150 - 50 Homestead points.
Homestead Cultivation
All of the Seeds for Homestead Cultivation is also available here but it use Gold & Silver Points instead of Homestead Points to buy.
Homestead Party
You can find all Homestead Party Foods from here as well. The price range is from 200 - 10 Homestead points per Food.