This article will be helpful if you just start playing Undawn and try to get Tough Leather but don't know how to get it. Down below we will show you the in-depth ways to get Tough Leather check out:
Tough Leather is not like some materials that you can find it inside the Area of Undawn for free it's a Craft material known as A Strong Material with Natural Indentations that you can unlock this material at Character Level 90. And also we can use Tough Leather as material to craft Equipment & Alloys.
How to Craft Tough Leather
First, you need to go to Workbench then Click on Craft Weapons > Click Screws Logo > Select Tough Leather as we mention in the image above:
In order to craft Tough Leather in Undawn you will need to combine these 5 materials down below:
Note: If you guys don't know how to get 5 materials above you can Click on its own Material Name to get more details about how to find it.
By following our steps above you now finally know how to craft Tough in an easy way & get it as much as you want.