Bubble Rumble is a new event of Tower of Fantasy - Team up with a group of 4 fire the bubble gun to destroy your enemies and get victory. Check out here.
Event Details
The Bumble Rumble event in Tower of Fantasy starts from 2023/OCT/03 - 2023/OCT/17 don't forget to participate in the event and enjoy it with your friends.
Team up with a group of 4 to destroy all the opponents to win the match and get Bambo Coin & more Rewards from the event.
1. After entering the game, everyone is transformed into a random Mi-a gaining different skills that can be used in the event, and picking up different types of Bubble Guns to defeat the enemies.
2. If you drop down by the enemy you will be trapped by the bubble and you will get eliminated after 60 seconds. When being trapped you can call out your teammate to come and rescue you from the trapped.
3. When you drop the enemy you can go close to them and select the Eliminate Button to delete them quickly from the event.
Mi-a & Bubble Guns Skill
Mi-a Characters Type
Bunny Mi-a | Dash: Like riding the wind! Speed +20% |
Dressy Mi-a | Directional interference: Intefere with the target's sense of direction, and scramble their directional control. |
Maid Mi-a | Confinement: Created a closed space that one can enter but cannot exit. |
Swimsuit Mi-a | Energy Shield: Immune to all bubble attacks. |
Cutie Mi-a | Quantum Cloak: Grants invisibility for 5 seconds. Become an expert at hide-and-seek! You can't see me. |
Panda Mi-a | Super Flash: Where do we go if we can't even see the path ahead? Turn nearby Wanderer's screens into white screens. |
Bubble Gun Type
Sharpshooter Gun | Shoot a bubble forward. Can be charged while aiming. |
Mega Bubble Gun | Shoot out a mega bubble forward, dealing area damage. |
Launcher | When the bubble collides with an obstacle, it will bounce 5 times based on the angle. |
Shotgun | Shoot 5 bubbles forward. Can be charged while aiming. |
Spray Gun | Use to shoot out bubbles forward. Movable. |
Event Store
After finishing the match everyone will receive a Bamboo Coin that you can use it buy a lot of items in the Bamboo Breeze store.