Welcome to Tower of Fantasy Best Free-To-Play (F2P) Team Comp 2023. Give the best team options for Free-To-Play players to build a good team comp inside the game.
Down below are the 10 F2P Team Comp in Tower of Fantasy featuring:
- Crow + Samir + Nemesis
- Claudia + Shiro + Bai Ling
- Claudia + Frigg + Cocoritter
- Claudia + Crow+ Nemesis
- Cobalt-B + King + Huma
- Cobalt B + Claudia + Zero
- Frigg + Tsubasa + Cocoritter
- Frigg + Tsubasa + Meryl
- Frigg + Meryl + Claudia
- Shiro + King + Claudia
Noted: There are more F2P team comp that you can build. But in this content, we just share our ideas for 10 F2P Team Comp that you can use inside the game.
Crow(A3) + Samir + Nemesis
This is the full Volt Team for F2P that deals good AOE skill & damage, very fast charge point with Samir & Nemesis Basic Attack plus Healing.
Claudia + Shiro(A3) + Bai Ling
Full Physical F2P team comp that provides great damage, shatter & fast charge in the battle.
Claudia + Frigg + Cocoritter (Claudia Ice Team)
This is the Claudia Ice Team which you can use it to earn both Attack Resonance & Frost Reaction. Also, get fast charge points & healing for the team.
Claudia(A3) + Crow + Nemesis (Claudia Volt Team)
Cobalt-B + King + Huma
This is a Full Flame team comp that gives great shatter damage with King & Huma.
Cobalt-B + Claudia + Zero (Claudia Flame Team)
Frigg + Tsubasa + Cocoritter (Full Ice Team)
This is the full Frost DMG team with healing & fast-charge point team comp.
Frigg(A3) + Tsubasa + Meryl(A3)
This is the other Frost DMG team with Fast-charge point, Shield and Shatter damage.
Frigg(A3) + Meryl + Claudia (Frigg Attack Resonance)
Shiro(A3) + King + Claudia(A3)
This a great shatter damage output, fast charge point, and also earn Physical Resonance with Shiro & Claudia.
End of Best F2P Team Comp 2023.