This article will show you How to Activate the Tower of Fantasy Vermilion Statue Domain 9 Map. Check out a few easy steps on how to activate it here.
What is the Vermilion Statue?
Vermilion Statues spread throughout Ignisville inside Domain 9 Map can resonate with timestamps. Activate a statue to increase the Area's Exploration and use it to Travel Around the Domain 9 map.
How to Unlock & Upgrade the Vermilion Statue
Some of you might wonder why can't you activate the Vermilion Statue even if you have enough Field Energy. My suggestion is you should complete All Main Mission Story first and after you reach the Joltville Pass Mission you will be able to unlock the Vermilion Statue. And to Unlock the Vermilion Statues you need to Enable Observatory first.
But if you guys have completed All Main Mission Story you can unlock every Vermilion Statue that you want inside the Ignisville but you also need Field Energy to upgrade 1 Vermilion Statue it has 6 levels and you need to upgrade all 6 levels of it in order to get rewards & Vermilion Chest from it.
How to Get Field Energy
Field Energy is a special energy crystal and you can farm it for free every week because it spread throughout the Domain 9 map when you already unlock the Astral Monument. The other way to get Field Energy is from the Tai Chi Chest, Flowing Spring, Calibration, Pathway Reconstructor, Geomantic Compass, and more.