This article will show you How to Activate the Tower of Fantasy Azure Statue Domain 9 Map. Check out a few easy steps on how to activate it here.
What is the Azure Statue?
Azure Statue is a large Dragon Statue Joltville that gives you abilities to increase the Area's Exploration and use it to Travel in the Domain 9 area.
How to Unlock & Upgrade the Azure Statue
To Unlock the Azure Statue you will need to reach the Main Mission Story called Joltville Pass Mission first. After completing the mission you need to Enable Observatory first and then you will get access to activate the Azure State.
Azure Statue has 6 levels for you to upgrade it. Upgrading the Azure Statue players will grant rewards back from it. To upgrade the Azure Statue you will need a specific amount of Field energy (Azure).
How to Get Filed Energy (Azure)
Field Energy (Azure) is a special energy crystal spread throughout Domain 9. Can be used to charge up & upgrade the Azure Statue. Down below are the options that you can get Filed Energy.
- World Exploration inside the Joltville Area.
- Get it from the open Tai Chi Chest.
- Flowing Spring
- Pathway Reconstructor
- Geomantic Compass
- Calibration
- Field Energy Hunt
- Quantum Leap