Find out about Teamfight Tactics leaked information featuring new champions and traits which are coming in the future.
Table of Contents
There are about 19 new champions and 7 new traits that will be available in the TFT Set 4.5 that will launce on January, 21, 2020.
New Traits
- Dragonsoul
- Fabled
- Daredevil
- Slayer
- Siphoner
- Executioner
- Blacksmith
New Champions
- Nasus (1 cost - Divine/Siphoner)
- Tristana (1 cost - Dragonsoul/Shapshooter)
- Brand (1 cost - Dragonsoul/Mage)
- Vlad (2 cost - Cultist/Siphoner)
- Braum (2 cost - Dragonsoul/Vanguard)
- Rakan (2 cost - Elderwood/Keeper)
- Mordekaiser or Nautilus (2 cost - Fabled/Vanguard)
- Sivir (3 cost - Cultist/Sharpshooter)
- Shyvana (3 cost - Dragonsoul/Brawler)
- Unknown (3 cost - Fortine/Slayer)
- Neeko (3 cost - Fabled/Mystic)
- Kayle (4 cost - Divine/Executioner)
- Olaf (4 cost - Dragonsoul/Slayer)
- Aurelion Sol (4 cost - Dragonsoul/Mage)
- Xayah (4 cost - Elderwood/Keeper/Executioner)
- Cho'Gath (4 cost - Fabled/Brawler)
- Swain (5 cost - Dragonsoul/Siphoner)
- Ornn (5 cost - Elderwood/Vanguard/Blacksmith)
- Samira (5 cost - Daredevil/Sharpshooter/Slayer)
Removed Champions
Below are the champions that seek to removed from TFT in Set 4.5:
- Nami
- Hecarim
- Xin Zhao
- Jhin
- Jinx
- Ahri
- Lissandra
- Aphelios
- Sylas
- Vayne
- Thresh
- Cassiopeia
- Riven
- Lillia
- Kayn
- Evelynn
- Ashe
- Warwick
- Lux
- Ezreal
Note: This is a leaked information that is not confirmed by Riot yet, so it can be changed in the next update.