The Best Yvette Build for Strinova

In Strinova, Yvette is a strong close range agent to use as a defender. Find this character key features, best build for demolition, and more guides down below.

Yvette Key Features

Yvette is a P.U.S agent with an official role of Controller. She has 3 skills to control and disabled any area that the team need.

Yvette | Strinova - zilliongamer

Yvette's weapon is "Beareas", it's a SMG that fire extremely fast, and output good damage with easy recoil pattern to control.

The best playstyle to play Yvette is aggressive frontline defender that go up close and personal against enemy to take advantage of her fast firing weapon.

Yvette's skills is so powerful to secure or retake any map bomb site as well as disabled any enemy that are in your line of site.

Down below we cover every aspect of this character from how to effectively use her skill and ultimate, her weapon stats details, to the best Yvette build in buy phase, and best awaken.

Yvette is one of the best character to use in Escort game mode.

Yvette Skills Details & Best Way To Utilize

Yvette skills consist of Teddy Assault, Camouflage, and Frostfall. Understand these 3 skills details down below.

Camouflage (Passive)

In-game description: Yvette becomes camouflaged after standing still, remaining invisible to distant enemies and gradually visible to those closer.

This passive work well when you using her Teddy Assault, it allows her to become invisible when controlling the Teddy bear.

Tips: Before using Teddy Assault try to position yourself somewhere far away from the enemies, so that you much safer in Camouflage.

Teddy Assault (Q)

In-game description: Yvette summons Fay, a controllable teddy bear that creates an icy surface upon colliding or an command, causing slipping and increased vulnerability.

This is the best skill for Yvette to control any area that she want to create unplayable zone for the enemy team, so that your team has better chance of fighting the enemies.

There are 2 ways that you can use this skill, either you should play it as aggressive as possible or save it for later round for retake.

Tips: Always use your Teddy Assault in the early game as aggressive as possible, to gather as much information of where the enemy is, how many of them, before comeback to Yvette.

Tips: If you save it for retake in demolition game mode, you can help your team to win that round after bomb plant, your objective when using Teddy assault should only going into spot as many enemies possible.

Frostfall (Ultimate)

In-game description: Zones in succession, causing enemies to slip, slowing their rate of fire, and reducing weapon usability.

Yvette's ultimate is similar to her Q, but you can't control the teddy bear, it will create a destruction zone where you throw them.

For this ultimate to be effective, you can throw them into a tight space so that the enemy will expose to the effect and you can caught them during their escape.

Tips: Since the ultimate has very big area of effect, you save them for retake so that your team have better chance to win the gunfight.

Yvettte Weapon: Beareas Stats & Recoil

Beareas is a fully automatic SMG that has extremely fast fire rate, good damage, and very accurate to use in close range combat.

Yvette Weapon: Beareas | Strinova - zilliongamer

Note: This is base stats. No build apply on it yet.

  • Damage (10M): Head: 28 | Body: 23 | Leg: 16
  • Damage (30M): Head: 21 | Body: 17 | Leg: 12
  • Damage (50M): Head: 19 | Body: 15 | Leg: 10
  • Rate of Fire: 790
  • ADS Speed: 56
  • Accuracy: 73
  • Handling: 70
  • Magazine Capacity: 32
  • Reload Speed: 24

The Beareas weapon prime range is in 10 meters, with the fast fire rate that this gun has, you can kill your enemy very quick in that range.

As you can see in the video, the Beareas recoil is 80% vertical, so most of the time you just need to drag the mouse down, but the last 10 to 15 ammo you will need to drag mouse to the right to counter the left kick recoil.

Understand our Skills and Weapon guide will help you improve as Yvette players, down below you going to understand how to properly build him to suit your playstyle.

Best Yvette Build in Strinova

Disclaimer: This build is only for Demolition and Escort game mode. Please read the awaken list first.

Yvette Awaken List

Awaken #Details

Awaken 1: Ice Burst

1 Blue 1 Green

Fay explodes upon disappearing, slowing nearby enemies and leaving an icy surface.

Awaken 2: Snowball Fight

2 Yellow 2 Green

Fay now throws snowballs instead of charging. Snowballs explode on impact, damaging enemies and forming icy surfaces.

Awaken 3: Teddy Assault

2 Blue 2 Yellow

Fay will automatically seek out and charge at visible enemies within range.

When reading our build guide, please pay attention to our color: blue, yellow, green.

Best Yvette Build in Strinova - zilliongamer

1st Awaken Build

The first best awaken build consist of 1 blue and 1 green, here are our recommendation which one you should buy:

  • For the first blue we recommend getting Effective Range.
  • For the first green we recommend getting Heavy Armor.

Our build for the first awaken make the weapon stronger at longer range as well as make you more tanky.

When this awaken activated, your teddy assault call back become more effective and more explosive to affect the teammate.

2nd Awaken Build

The second awaken that we build is call Snowball Fight, this awaken is strong for Escort game mode.

In order to activate this awaken you need to buy 2 yellow and 1 more green. It's a great awaken to reduce the enemy mobility.

  • For the first yellow we recommend getting Stealth Entry Speed +50%.
  • For the second yellow we recommend getting +1 Dash.
  • For the second green we recommend getting Stringfield DMG Reduction

This awaken transform your Teddy Assault from dashing into the enemy to throwing snowball instead. Also having extra dash allows you to throw 3 snowball instead of 2.

This is great for throwing around the escort area so that the enemy find it hard to rush to your position.

3rd Awaken Build

The third awaken is call Teddy Assault, this awaken is good, but you can skip or stick to the 2nd awaken.

In order to activate this awaken, you need to buy 1 more blue then you need to activate it instead of the 2nd awaken.

  • For the last blue we recommend getting Spread control.

With this awaken, your weapon will be more accurate but the effect of the awaken is less powerful then the 2nd awaken.

Best Secondary for Yvette

Yvette primary the Beareas is very powerful at close to mid range, but it can run out of ammo quick. Since we only use Yvette in close range, we also want a good close range secondary as well.

Here is our recommendation on picking the best secondary for Yvette:

Strinova Stinger - zilliongamerStingerStinger is a fully automatic SMG that deals good damage with low recoil control.
Strinova Emberspit - zilliongamerEmberspitIf you want to deal more close range damage but you don't want to aim, you can use Emberspit instead.

These 2 weapons are very good for Yvette, its solely focus on close range combat and playstyle that Yvette is designed to be.

Best Tactical Items for Yvette

Tactical items is also very important to use when playing Yvette, here are our tactical items recommendation:

Tac ItemsSummary
Strinova Slow Grenade - zilliongamerSlow GrenadeSmoke Grenade is a great tac item that you can use to delay enemy from rushing into the side.
Strinova Frag Grenade - zilliongamerFrag GrenadeFrag Grenade simply use to deal extra damage to the enemy that run away from you or when they are low hp in paper mode.

You can also swap to Slow Grenade or Windstorm Grenade if you want to disabled the enemy team.

You can also get Healing Grenade to extend your survivability even more.

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End of Best Yvette Build Guide.