Takeda Nobutada Outfit Skins List in Naraka Bladepoint

Here you can find and view all Takeda Nobutada outfit skins in Naraka Bladepoint covering from alpha version to the newest release skin in the game.

You can also check out Takeda Nobutada build here.

Takeda Nobutada Outfit Skins List

Here are all Takeda Nobutada outfit skins in Naraka Bladepoint:

Arm Of Malevolence Takeda Nobutada

Arm Of Malevolence Takeda Nobutada Outfit Skin in Naraka Bladepoint - zilliongamer

Unlock by opening Fortune Treasure.

Rarity: Extreme.

Fighting Spirit Max Takeda Nobutada

Fighting Spirit Max Takeda Nobutada Outfit Skin in Naraka Bladepoint - zilliongamer

Buy in Takeda Nobutada Collection Outfit 1800 Gold.

Rarity: Legendary.

Breaking Waves Takeda Nobutada

Breaking Waves Takeda Nobutada Outfit Skin in Naraka Bladepoint - zilliongamer

Buy in Takeda Nobutada Collection Outfit 1500 Gold after discount.

Rarity: Legendary.

Stag Armor Takeda Nobutada

Stag Armor Takeda Nobutada Outfit Skin in Naraka Bladepoint - zilliongamer

Unlock by opening Lotus Treasure.

Rarity: Legendary.

Spring Blossom Takeda Nobutada

Spring Blossom Takeda Nobutada Outfit Skin in Naraka Bladepoint - zilliongamer

Buy in Takeda Nobutada Collection Outfit 1800 Gold.

Rarity: Legendary.

Thunder Samurai Takeda Nobutada

Thunder Samurai Takeda Nobutada Outfit Skin in Naraka Bladepoint - zilliongamer

Buy in Takeda Nobutada Collection Outfit 1800 Gold.

Rarity: Legendary.

Lion Samurai Takeda Nobutada

Lion Samurai Takeda Nobutada Outfit Skin in Naraka Bladepoint - zilliongamer

Buy in Takeda Nobutada Collection Outfit 1800 Gold.

Rarity: Legendary.

Gusoku Dustfall Takeda Nobutada

Gusoku Dustfall Takeda Nobutada Outfit Skin in Naraka Bladepoint - zilliongamer

Unlock in Hidden Treasure lv.70. (Battle Pass)

Rarity: Epic.

Gusoku Endurance Takeda Nobutada

Gusoku Endurance Takeda Nobutada Outfit Skin in Naraka Bladepoint - zilliongamer

Unlock in Hidden Treasure. (Battle Pass)

Rarity: Epic.

Gusoku Benevolence Takeda Nobutada

Gusoku Benevolence Takeda Nobutada Outfit Skin in Naraka Bladepoint - zilliongamer

Unlock by opening Lotus Treasure.

Rarity: Epic.

Gusoku Ritual Takeda Nobutada

Gusoku Ritual Takeda Nobutada Outfit Skin in Naraka Bladepoint - zilliongamer

Unlock by The hero returns event.

Rarity: Epic.

Snakeskin Hitatare Takeda Nobutada

Snakeskin Hitatare Takeda Nobutada Outfit Skin in Naraka Bladepoint - zilliongamer

Unlock by opening Lotus Treasure.

Rarity: Rare.

Field Hitatare Takeda Nobutada

Field Hitatare Takeda Nobutada Outfit Skin in Naraka Bladepoint - zilliongamer

Unlock in Takeda Nobutada Cultivation.

Rarity: Rare.

Hitatare Takeda Nobutada

Hitatare Takeda Nobutada Outfit Skin in Naraka Bladepoint - zilliongamer

Default Takeda Nobutada Skin in the game.

End of Takeda Nobutada Outfit Skins List Naraka Bladepoint.