Yasuo Counter Wild Rift: General Counter, Lane Synergy, and Item Counter

Find out who is the best counter picks champion against Yasuo in Wild Rift, Best Yasuo counter picks in every role item counter, general counter, lane synergy, and more here.

Yasuo Counter Picks Champion Wild Rift

Check out best Yasuo Counter Picks Champion in every role:

The best counter picks against Yasuo Wild Rift - Baron Lane

Best champion counter picks use against Yasuo in Baron Lane are:

  • Renekton.
  • Darius.
  • Warwick.
  • Irelia.

Yasuo Best Counter Picks in Baron Lane Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Renekton, Darius, Warwick, and Irelia is a great pick against Yasuo in Baron Lane because they have great sustain and great damage can easily out damage Yasuo in Baron Lane. 

Yasuo is pretty weak in early game and reliance on farming and killing and hard to play you should try to trade damage with him in early game and dodge his first ability. 

The best counter picks against Yasuo Wild Rift - Jungle Lane

Best champion counter picks use against Yasuo in Jungle Lane are:

  • Amumu.
  • Diana.
  • Warwick.
  • Rammus.

Yasuo Best Counter Picks in Jungle Lane Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Yasuo is the worst pick when match up with Diana she can deal a tons of magic damage. Diana can deal extra damage with her Moonfall and Lunar rush.

Aummu, Warwick, and Rammus also a great pick against Yasuo they have best chance win, these are the best counter pick when match up against Yasuo.

The best counter picks against Yasuo Wild Rift - Mid Lane

Best champion counter picks use against Yasuo in Mid Lane are:

  • Akali.
  • Irelia.
  • Fizz.

Yasuo Best Counter Picks in Mid Lane Wild Rift - zilliongamer

If Yasuo plays in mid lane you should pick Irelia, she a bit hard to play if you looking for best pick against Yasuo and easy to play pick Fizz or Akali.

The best counter picks against Yasuo Wild Rift - Bottom Lane

Best champion counter picks use against Yasuo in Bottom Lane are:

  • Vayne.
  • Garen.
  • Leona.

Yasuo Best Counter Picks in Bottom Lane Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Vayne is the best Marksman champion pick against Yasuo just need to dodge his first ability, if Yasuo dash close you can knock him back with her third ability Condemn.

Garen great pick against Yasuo if he choose to play in the bottom lane with best support like Leona Garen have best chance on winning Lane.

General Counter Tips and Tricks

What to do when play against Yasuo ?

1. You need to be aware of his abilities.

2. If you have range advantage use it to abuse him.

3. Be cautious around the minion wave because Yasuo will often use his third ability Sweeping Blade to dash through the minion and to get close to you make sure to stand outside and away from minion wave.

4. Try not to grouping too close with your teammate if your enemies have abilities to knock up because you allow Yasuo to easily get a really good ultimate off and you have a high chance losing the teamfight.

5. If you play ranged champion need to harass and poke him down when starting teamfight.

6. Avoid fighting in jungle because it will make it easier for Yasuo to land his Tornado that knock up you and your teamfight, fight in the open will make teamfight more effective for you and teammate.

End of Yasuo Counter Wild Rift.