Wukong Counter Wild Rift: Best Counter Champion In Patch 4.3

Find out who is the best counter picks champion against Wukong in Wild Rift here, Wukong best counter champion in Patch 4.3 item counter, general counter, and more here.

Wukong Counter Picks Champion Wild Rift

Check out best Wukong Counter Picks Champion in every role:

The best counter picks against Wukong Wild Rift - Baron Lane

Best champion counter picks use against Wukong in Baron Lane are: Olaf, Darius, Pantheon, and Nasus.

  • Olaf.
  • Darius.
  • Pantheon.
  • Nasus.

Wukong Counter Picks in Baron Lane Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Olaf is the best pick against Wukong, Olaf can easily counter Wukong's ultimate knock up with his ultimate Ragnarok which make him have high chance on wining the lane.

Darius, Pantheon, and Nasus also great pick against Wukong in baron lane. They can deal a tons of damage especially Nasus with 200 to 300 stacks.

The best counter picks against Wukong Wild Rift - Jungle Lane

Best champion counter picks use against Wukong in Jungle Lane are: Lee Sin, Amumu, and Evelynn.

  • Lee Sin.
  • Amumu.
  • Evelynn.

Wukong Counter Picks in Jungle Lane Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Amumu has a higher chance wining lane against Wukong, Wukong his pretty weak when match up against Amumu he has low % chance on wining against Amumu. Lee Sin and Evelynn also best pick when match up with Wukong.

The best counter picks against Wukong Wild Rift - Mid Lane

Best champion counter picks use against Wukong in Mid Lane are: Veigar, Morgana, and Fizz.

  • Veigar.
  • Morgana.
  • Fizz.

Wukong Counter Picks in Mid Lane Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Fizz can dodge Wukong ultimate and he can deal a lot of damage easy to play and can one shot Wukong with his full combos.

The same like Veigar and Morgana can easily harass or poke Wukong down with there abilities Baleful Stike, Dark Matter, Morgana first ability Dark Binding, and Tormented Shadow.

The best counter picks against Wukong Wild Rift - Bottom Lane

Best champion counter picks use against Wukong in Bottom Lane are: Alistar, Sona, Vayne, and Tristana.

  • Alistar.
  • Sona.
  • Vayne.
  • Tristana.

Wukong Counter Picks in Bottom Lane Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Vayne and Tristana best ADC counter picks against Wukong, Vayne can deal a tons of damage she also can push back Wukong with her third ability Condemn. Tristana can also escape to safely with her Rocket Jump.

With Alistar and Sona as your support Wukong won't have a chance to get close to you.

Items That Counter Wukong

Items use to counter Wukong are: Stasis, Randuin's Omen, Thornmail, and Quicksilver Enchant.

Items Counter Wukong Wild Rift - zilliongamer

  • Stasis Enchant to avoid some of damage from Wukong or avoid knock up by him when he use his ultimate.
  • Randuin's Omen, Frozen Heart , and Thornmail for those who play tank to help increase armor and health. The more armor and health you have, the harder it is for Wukong to kill you.

General Counter Tips and Tricks

1. Avoid teamfight in jungle you will usually group up together which allow Wukong to have good knock up with his ultimate.

2. Try not to fight with Wukong in early game.

3. Take advantage when Wukong ultimate cooldown.

4. Poke him down before teamfight. Make sure to delay teamfight and try poke and harass him as much as possible.

End of Wukong Counter Wild Rift.