Vi Counter Wild Rift: Best Counter Champion In Patch 4.3

Find out who is the best counter picks champion against Vi in Wild Rift here, Vi best counter champion in Patch 4.3 item counter, general counter, and more here.

Vi Counter Picks Champion Wild Rift

Check out best Vi Counter Picks Champion in every role:

The best counter picks against Vi Wild Rift - Baron Lane

Best champion counter picks use against Vi in Baron Lane are: Riven, Darius, Jax, and Pantheon.

  • Riven.
  • Darius.
  • Jax.
  • Pantheon.

Vi Counter Picks in Baron Lane Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Riven have a high chance wins against Vi in baron lane each time they face each other Riven will come out on top with the right build & runes. For Darius, he does a decent job when match up with Vi.

Jax and Pantheon are best pick when match up against Vi they have high chance win against Vi, Vi is worst pick when enemy team have Jax or Pantheon.

The best counter picks against Vi Wild Rift - Jungle Lane

Best champion counter picks use against Vi in Jungle Lane are: Riven, Darius, Jax, and Pantheon.

  • Kha'Zix.
  • Lee Sin.
  • Xin Zhao.
  • Pantheon.

Vi Counter Picks in Jungle Lane Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Kha'Zix does a very great job against Vi, Kha'Zix has fast clearing than Vi if she go for full physical damage Kha'Zix can one shot her easily. You also can pick Pantheon in jungle lane if Vi in jungle lane.

Lee Sin does a decent job when match up against Vi, but you need play a little bit safe in early game. The same to Xin Zhao you will win lane against Vi you need to get a good lead, try to gank and help your teammate.

The best counter picks against Vi Wild Rift - Mid Lane

Best champion counter picks use against Vi in Mid Lane are: Ekko and Teemo.

  • Ekko.
  • Teemo.

Vi Counter Picks in Mid Lane Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Ekko and Teemo are the best pick against Vi as a Mid laner they deal a tons of magic damage and have high chance on win against Vi. 

The best counter picks against Vi Wild Rift - Bottom Lane

Best champion counter picks use against Vi in Bottom Lane are: Vayne, Janna, and Tristana.

  • Vayne.
  • Janna.
  • Tristana.

Vi Counter Picks in Bottom Lane Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Vayne and Tristana is the best marksman pick if you want to counter Vi, they both can keep a good distance against Vi which is very good, when Vi gank your lane she will charge her first ability and try to get lose to you.

Vayne can avoid getting jump by using her third ability Condemn to knock Vi back, Tristana can also use her second ability Rocket Jump to get away from her.

With Janna as your support you the bottom lane will have a higher chance on wining against Vi whenever she gank the bottom lane. 

Items That Counter Vi

Items use to counter Vi are: Stasis, Randuin's Omen, Thornmail, Frozen Heart, Quicksilver Enchant, Mortal Reminder, and Morellomnicon.

Items Counter Vi Wild Rift - zilliongamer

  • Stasis Enchant to avoid some of damage from Vi and to buy some time for your teammate to help you too.
  • Randuin's Omen, Frozen Heart, and Thornmail for those who play tank to help increase armor and health. The more armor and health you have, the harder it is for Vi to kill you.
  • Quicksilver if you want to remove knock up when she use her ultimate (Cease and Desist) that can knock you up.

General Counter Tips and Tricks

1. Try your best to equal Vi's pressure by ganking often or counter ganking her, make sure to try secure objectives.  

2. Stasis Enchant and Quicksilver Enchant are a good way to counter Vi, these items can deny Vi's abilities ( first & third ability ).

3. Remember that Vi can't be CC while casting her ultimate Cease and Desist.

End of Vi Counter Wild Rift.