Nilah Counter Wild Rift: Best Counter Champion In Patch 5.0

Find out who is the best counter picks champion against Nilah in Wild Rift, Nilah best counter champion in Patch 4.3 item counter, general counter, and more here.

Nilah Counter Picks Champion Wild Rift

Check out best Nilah Counter Picks Champion in every role:

The best counter picks against Nilah Wild Rift - Baron Lane

Best champion counter picks use against Nilah in Baron Lane are: Shen, Jayce, Renekton, and Sett.

  • Shen.
  • Jayce.
  • Renekton.
  • Sett.

Nilah Counter Picks in Baron Lane Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Nilah worst pick against Shen, he can block all damage from Nilah with his second ability Spriit's Refuge, Nilah is pretty weak against cc champions Shen can stun her with his Shadow Dash.

Renekton is best pick against Nilah, Nilah has a low chance when vs Renekton the same to Jayce and Sett.

The best counter picks against Nilah Wild Rift - Jungle Lane

Best champion counter picks use against Nilah in Jungle Lane are: Pantheon and Lee Sin.

  • Pantheon.
  • Lee Sin.

Nilah Counter Picks in Jungle Lane Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Pantheon and Lee Sin is the best pick when enemy team have Nilah pick them to help your bottom lane win the lane.

The best counter picks against Nilah Wild Rift - Mid Lane

Best champion counter picks use against Nilah in Mid Lane are: Ekko, Fizz, Katarina, and Yasuo.

  • Ekko.
  • Fizz.
  • Katarina.
  • Yasuo.

Nilah Counter Picks in Mid Lane Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Ekko and Fizz are extremely strong when match up against Nilah, they have the tool and damage to take down Nilah easily.

Katarina is great pick against Nilah, she can go in and out quickly and can one shot her with her full combos you will have high chance against Nilah.

Yasuo also a great pick against Nilah, he can deal high damage in early game he can dash close to her and poke her with his first ability with allies who have ability to knock enemy airborne Nilah won't have a chance.

The best counter picks against Nilah Wild Rift - Bottom Lane

Best champion counter picks use against Nilah in Bottom Lane are: Ekko, Fizz, Katarina, and Yasuo.

  • Caitlyn.
  • Xayah.
  • Ashe.
  • Jhin.

Nilah Counter Picks in Bottom Lane Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Caitlyn can easily out ranged her, she has a very high chance on wining the lane against Nilah the same to Xayah she can deal a tons of damage in late game which is every good against Nilah.

Ashe and Jhin are best pick when match up against Nilah both of them can easily out ranged and out damage her, Jhin deal a tons of physical damage just for his auto attack and have a high chance wining lane against Nilah.

Items That Counter Nilah

Items use to counter Nilah are: Stasis, Randuin's Omen, Thornmail, Frozen Heart, and Quicksilver Enchant.

Items Counter Nilah Wild Rift - zilliongamer

  • Stasis Enchant to avoid some of damage from Nilah and also can buy some time for your team to help you.
  • Randuin's Omen, Frozen Heart, and Thornmail for those who play tank to help increase armor and health. The more armor and health you have, the harder it is for Nilah to kill you.
  • Quicksilver Enchant to help you remove all crowd control.

General Counter Tips and Tricks

1. Champions that have a lot of CC skills is gonna work well against Nilah.

2. Make sure to avoide fighting in the small place like jungle, you allowing her to get a multiple ultimate off.

3. If he wasted her Slipstream go trade or all in with her. Lock her down with CC skills when starting teamfight, it will make her to repostion with her Slipstream. 

End of Nilah Counter Wild Rift.