Malphite Wild Rift Best Counter Picks

Find out Malphite best counter Wild Rift champion in all role, item to counter, general counter, lane synergy, and more here.

Check out who the best champion in Top Lane use to counter Malphite here:

Wild Rift Malphite Counter Picks

Here all Malphite counter picks in every role Wild Rift:

Malphite Counter Picks Top Lane Wild Rift

Here are the best counter picks champion against Malphite in Top Lane: Olaf, Garen, and Nasus.

Malphite Counter Picks in Top Lane Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Olaf is the best counter pick champion when match up against Malphite, he can easily counter Malphite ultimate with his ultimate, Garen and Nasus also a great picks against Malphite.

Malphite Counter Picks Mid Lane Wild Rift

Here are the best counter picks champion against Malphite in Mid Lane: Annie and Ahri.

Malphite Counter Picks in Mid Lane Wild Rift - zilliongamer

We only have 2 best champion use to counter Malphite Annie and Ahri but you should pick Olaf mid if Malphite plays in mid lane.

Malphite Counter Picks Jungle Lane Wild Rift

Here are the best counter picks champion against Malphite in Jungle Lane: Amumu and Jarvan IV.

Malphite Counter Picks in Jungle Lane Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Amumu, and Jarvan IV is the best champion to counter Malphite they have best tool to easily counter Malphite.

Malphite Counter Picks Support Lane Wild Rift

Here are the best counter picks champion against Malphite in Support Lane: Leona and Morgana.

Malphite Counter Picks in Support Lane Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Leona has a lot of crowd control which is very good when match up against Malphite, Morgana also the best picks against Malphite her third ability which absorbs magical damage and disabling effects very good against Malphite.

Malphite Counter Picks Bottom Lane Wild Rift

Here are the best counter picks champion against Malphite in Bottom Lane: Draven and Tristana.

Malphite Counter Picks in Bottom Lane Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Malphite worst against Tristana, she can deal a tons of damage in late game same like Draven but Draven doesn't have mobility like Tristana.

General Counter Tips and Tricks

You need to make sure that you spread out in teamfights because you don't want to let him hits multiple target with his ultimate.

He is weak in early game if you can poke and gank him multiple times and try to make him fall behind your allies lane.

For Marksman champion you need to avoid getting by Malphite ultimate and Ground Slam ( his third ability ) it can lower your attack speed.

Malphite Wild Rift Counter Item

Best Item use to counter Swain are: Morellonomicon , Mortal Reminder, Banshee's Veil, Stasis Enchant, and Liandry's Torment.

Malphite Counter Items Wild Rift - zilliongamer

All of these item is very good to get when match up against Malphite, grievous wounds can prevent him from healing and regeneration and a spell shield that blocks the next hostile ability.

End of Malphite Best Counter Picks In Wild Rift.