Garen Counter Wild Rift: Best Counter Champion In Patch 4.3

Find out who is the best counter picks champion against Garen in Wild Rift here, Garen best counter champion in Patch 4.3 item counter, general counter, and more here.

Garen Counter Picks Champion Wild Rift

Check out best Garen Counter Picks Champion in every role:

The best counter picks against Garen Wild Rift - Baron Lane

Best champion counter picks use against Garen in Baron Lane are: Camille, Irelia, Vayne, Fiora, and Pantheon.

  • Camille.
  • Vayne.
  • Fiora.
  • Pantheon.

Garen Counter Picks in Baron Lane Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Camille is a great pick against Garen he deal a tons of damage in early game, she have a high chance on wining 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 1.

Vayne, Fiora, and Pantheon is the best pick against Garen, Vayne has ranged advantage which is very good when match up against Garen, Fiora can parries all incoming damage from Garen and slow with her Riposte.

The best counter picks against Garen Wild Rift - Jungle Lane

Best champion counter picks use against Garen in Jungle Lane are: Tryndamere, Pantheon, and Rammus.

  • Tryndamere.
  • Pantheon.
  • Rammus.

Garen Counter Picks in Jungle Lane Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Tryndamere, Pantheon, and Rammus are best pick against, they have higher chance on wining the fight and they have high damage in late game and mobility to gank the lane.

The best counter picks against Garen Wild Rift - Mid Lane

Best champion counter picks use against Garen in Mid Lane are: Kayle, Yasuo, and Tristana.

  • Kayle.
  • Yasuo.
  • Tristana.

Garen Counter Picks in Mid Lane Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Kayle is the best pick against Garen, she has ranged advantage and she deal insane amount of physical damage in late game, when Kayle has ultimate it gonna be hard for Garen.

The same to Tristana with ranged advantage and can easily out damage Garen. Yasuo also a great pick when vs Garen, Yasuo deal a lot of damage even in early game which is very good against Garen.

The best counter picks against Garen Wild Rift - Bottom Lane

Best champion counter picks use against Garen in Bottom Lane are: Vayne, Jinx, and Tristana.

  • Vayne.
  • Jinx.
  • Tristana.

Garen Counter Picks in Bottom Lane Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Vayne also best pick against Garen in bottom lane the same to Tristana, Garen is worst pick against Jinx because can deal insane amount of damage in late game she also have range advantage over him.

Items That Counter Garen

Items use to counter Garen are: Stasis, Randuin's Omen, Thornmail, Quicksilver Enchant, Mortal Reminder, and Morellomnicon .

Items Counter Garen Wild Rift - zilliongamer

  • Stasis Enchant to avoid some of damage from Garen.
  • Randuin's Omen, Frozen Heart, and Thornmail for those who play tank to help increase armor and health. The more armor and health you have, the harder it is for Garen to kill you.
  • Quicksilver if you want to remove knock up when he use his first ability.
  • Mortal Reminder for champion that deal physical damage it prevent Garen from healing and you deal more damage to him.
  • Morellomicon for mage champion work the same like Mortal Reminder.

General Counter Tips and Tricks

1. Ranged champion is best pick for you, try your best to keep distance from Garen.

2. You need to deny Garen's passive by auto attacking him this will reduce his sustain in lane so that you can take him down easily.

3. When he is use his first skill Decisive Strike on minion or he wasted it is the time to go all in with him.

End of Garen Counter Wild Rift.