Gwen Build Wild Rift (Patch 4.2a) Best Items, Runes, Abilities

Gwen is Tank champion that usually paly in Baron Lane she also can play as a AP Jungler. Gwen AP can deal very high damage with her skills Skip'n Slash and Snip Snip she a bit hard to play you need 2 to 3 game to understand her skill.

Learn more about Gwen best build, ability details, best combos, skill order, skin, and Gwen wild rift Tanky build and Gwen wild rift Jungle build here. Gwen is a Tier S+ champion.

Gwen in Wild Rift is an AP assassin she normally played in Baron lane but with this build can make Gwen jungle very good and can make her jungle clear easier.

Check out Gwen skins list here.

Check out Gwen jungle build wild rift down below:

Gwen Jungle build

  • Nashor's Tooth: Nashor's Tooth is the best first item build for Gwen it helps increase his ability power, skill cooldown, and 50% attack speed which is very good for Gwen. 
  • Rabadon's Deathcap: the third item you build on Gwen is Rabadon's Deathcap build it to increase Gwen's ability power so you can easily one-shot low defensive enemy.
  • Riftmaker: Build Riftmaker on Gwen helps increase more ability power, ability haste, and more health.
  • Void Staff: Void Staff is very good item for Gwen it increases ability power, and magic penetration it help you to deal more damage to Tank champion or Champion that builds Magic resistance.
  • Cosmic Drive: Cosmic Drive is a new item like riftmaker build this item on Gwen to get more ability power, ability haste, and movement speed.

Gwen also can play as a tank champion in Baron Lane check out Gwen tank build wild rift down below:

Gwen Tank build

Gwen Build for Baron Lane this is the best build for Gwen if you want to play as a tank champion Sunfire Aegis and Thornmail is the great choice for her.

Start with Rudy Crystal to increase her HP for the core items you can change Sunfire Aegis into Iceborn Gauntlet to get better armor, ability haste, and mana.

Boots you can switch it with Ionian Boots of Lucidity to get more ability haste. Guardian Angel is not that good with Tank Champion you can swap it with Warmog's Armor to get more health, ability haste, and get health regen too.

Best Gwen Runes

  • Conqueror: Gain stacks of AD or AP when hitting a champion with separate attacks or abilities. Stacks up to 6 times. When fully stacked gain bonus omnivamp. (adaptive)
  • Triumph: Takedowns restore health. Deal more damage to low health enemies.
  • Conditioning: Periodically gain bonus AR and MR.
  • Nimbus Cloak: After using a Spell Flash, Ignite, etc, gain a brief movement speed boost.

Gwen Spells

  • Flash: Take Flash when you looking for a dive or to get close to the enemy Flash is very good for Gwen when her Snip Snip or Needlework is not in enemy range. You can also swap it with Ghost it easy to chase down enemy. 
  • Ignite: Ignites is the second spell for Gwen it very good for her when it 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 1 with ignite she can kill her enemy faster. Ignite dealing 60 true damage (60-410) over 5 seconds and applying 60% Grievous Wounds for the duration.
    • Grievous Wounds: reduces the effectiveness of healing and Regeneration effects.

Gwen Skill Order

Gwen Combos

Down blow is Gwen best Combos and playstyle:

1. Auto attack enemy 2 times then use Skip'n Slash to get bonus attack speed keep auto attack enemy then use your Snip Snip.

2. Start with your Ult Needlework follow by auto attack then use your Skip'n Slash then use your ult then Snip Snip and use your Needlework again.

3. Start with Needlework then Skip'n Slash then triple auto attack then Snip Snip if your snip snip is not in enemy range use Flash to get close to enemy the auto attack.

4. Begin with your Auto Attack then Skip'n Slash then keep auto attack the enemy then use your Snip Snip.

Gwen Pros and Cons

1. Strong Scaling Power.
2. Good AP damage.
3. Outplay Potential.
4. Strong splitpush.
5. Tank Shredder.
1. Low mobility in teamfights.
2. Poor early game.
3. Easy target in teamfights.
4. Squishy.


Gwen is the best champion can kill enemy tank faster than other champion. Gwen can be play in Baron Lane and Jungle Lane you build tank or ap on her as an AP she can deal very high damage but she a bit hard to play you some time to practice to be able to understand her skills.