Delta Force Best Guns for Recon Class

Welcome to Delta Force Season Starfall. Find the best guns to use for Recon class with our recommend loadout.

Recon Class features 2 operators: Luna and Hackclaw, and they can use 4 assault rifles, 3 smgs, 1 shotgun, 6 marksman rifles, and 4 sniper rifles.

Let get into the details of our weapons and loadout down below:

Best Assault Rifles for Recon Class

The best assault rifles for recon operators to use are: SG552 and CAR-15.

1. SG552

SG552 is by far the best assault rifle for recon operators to use, it great for close quarter battle and for mid range gunfight.

Best SG552 Build | Delta Force | Warfare - zilliongamer

SG552 deal very high damage with extremely fast fire rate, low recoil control, and high stability when firing so that you can play both aggressive and tactical playstyle around the map.

Best SG552 Attachments

  • Muzzle: Bastion Horizontal Compensator.
  • Handguard: KC Hound Handguard.
  • Barrel: SG552 Knight Heavy Barrel.
  • Foregrip: K1 Elite Bevel Foregrip.
  • Stock: UR Spec Ops Tactical Stock.
  • Rear Grip: Phantom Rear Grip.
  • Mag: SG552 30-Round Mag.
  • Mag Mount: Badger Small Mag Assist.

Best SG552 Loadout Details

2. CAR-15

CAR-15 is the second best assault rifle for recon operators to use in Season: Starfall.

Best CAR-15 Build | Delta Force | Warfare - zilliongamer

CAR-15 output good damage with fast fire rate and low recoil control, with great stability when firing, it's a really great assault rifle to use for close to medium range.

Best CAR-15 Attachments

  • Muzzle: Practical Flash Hider.
  • Handguard: Ranger Handguard.
  • Barrel: AR Gabriel Long Barrel Combo.
  • Handguard: DD Python Handguard.
  • Stock: Practical Stable Stock.
  • Rear Grip: Invasion Rear Grip.
  • Mag: 5.56x45 30-Round Polymer Mag.
  • Mag mount: Badger Small Mag Assist.
  • Foregrip: K1 Elite Bevel Foregrip.

Best CAR-15 Loadouts Details

Best SMG for Recon Class: SMG-45

The best SMG to use in Season: Starfall is the SMG-45, it a really great for smg to use for close quarter combat, up close and personal.

Best SMG-45 Build | Delta Force - zilliongamer

The SMG-45 is very well known for having very fast fire rate, and extremely low recoil control, great for extremely aggressive rushing around the map for high elimination kill points.

Best SMG-45 Attachments

  • Muzzle: Spiral Fire Flash Hider.
  • Barrel: SMG-45 Fission Long Barrel.
  • Foregrip: Phase Combat Foregrip.
  • Rear Grip: Invasion Rear Grip.
  • Stock: Invasion Core Stock.
  • Handguard: Hornet Handguard.
  • Mag Mount: Hornet SMG Mag Assist.
  • Mag: SMG-45 40-Round Extended Mag.
  • Optic: Personal Preference.

Best SMG-45 Loadouts Details

Best Sniper Rifles for Recon Class

The best sniper rifles for Recon operators to use are AWM and R93.

1. AWM

AWM is currently the best sniper rifle that only available to recon operators, it's an insane sniper to use for long range battle.

Best AWM Build | Delta Force | Warfare - zilliongamer

The AWM sniper deal 85 damage with a prime range of 100m, with 750 m/s muzzle velocity, you can pretty much eliminate any target when hitting one headshot at any range.

Playstyle wise, the AWM sniper suited recon operators the most, if they like to play as a long range sniper.

Best AWM Attachments

  • Muzzle: Resonant Sniper Rifle Suppressor.
  • Barrel: AWM Skyline Long Barrel.
  • Bipod: AWM Bipod.
  • Handguard: KC Hound Handguard.
  • Unique: AWM M-Lok Kit.
  • Killflash: Honeycomb Killflash.
  • Optic: Personal Preference.

Best AWM Loadouts Details

2. R93

R93 is the second best sniper for recon operators to use in Delta Force. R93 is powerful and well suit for close to mid range gunfight.

Best R93 Build | Delta Force | Warfare - zilliongamer

The R93 sniper rifle deal very high damage with great accuracy and fast muzzle velocity, allows for sniping target and eliminate them with one headshot and 2 shot to eliminate the target when hitting the body.

Best R93 Attachments

  • Muzzle: Resonant Sniper Rifle Suppressor.
  • Barrel: R93 Fission Long Barrel.
  • Heat Shield: R93 Barrel Heat Shield.
  • Optic: Personal Preference.

Best R93 Loadouts Details

Best Marksman Rifles for Recon Class

The best Marksman rifles for Recon operators to use are SR-25 and Mini-14.

1. SR-25

SR-25 is the best marksman rifle for recon operators to use in Delta Force.

Best SR-25 Build | Delta Force | Warfare - zilliongamer

The SR-25 fire high damage with low recoil control and fast fire rate, this weapon is mainly effective for close to medium range gunfight.

The SR-25 also great stability when firing, so you get high accuracy when firing at a moving target. 

Best SR-25 Attachments

  • Muzzle: Steel Muzzle Brake.
  • Barrel: SR-25 Zephyr Long Barrel.
  • Foregrip: RK-0 Foregrip.
  • Handguard: SR-25 Elite Handguard.
  • Rear Grip: M7 Stable Rear Grip.
  • Stock: Practical Tactical Stock.
  • Bipod: Practical Bipod.
  • Mag Mount: Grizzly Full P.Mag Assist.
  • Mag: SR-25 20-Round Mag.
  • Optic: Personal Preference.

Best SR-25 Loadouts Details

2. Mini-14

Mini-14 is the second best marksman rifle for recon operator to use for medium to long range gunfight.

Best Mini-14 Build | Delta Force | Warfare - zilliongamer

The Mini-14 deal high damage with great stability when firing, allows you to hit further range target easily, having low recoil kick also can let you hit the target faster.

Best Mini-14 Attachments

  • Muzzle: Practical Suppressor.
  • Barrel: Mini-14 Enhanced Barrel.
  • Foregrip: RK-0 Foregrip.
  • Handguard: Mini-14 Adv. Frame System.
  • Stock: 416 Stable Stock.
  • Mag mount: Badger Small Mag Assist.
  • Mag: Mini-14 20-Round Mag.
  • Handguard: Modular Handguard Panel.
  • Optic: Personal Preference.

Best Mini-14 Loadouts Details


Overall, the strengths of these weapons are extremely powerful for Recon operators to use at range battle as well as up close and personal battle.

End of Delta Force Best Guns for Recon Class.