Chimeraland How to get Windwalker Medusa Attendant

Here we will show you all information about how to get Windwalker Medusa Attendant for Free. Find out all information about Windwalker Medusa Attendant here.

How to get Windwalker Medusa

How to get free Medusa Attendant in Chimeraland first of all you need to go to your Spirit Orb vestige and craft Medusa Portrait.

Crafting Medusa Portrait Chimeraland - zilliongamer

Once you got Medusa Portrait place in on a wall interact with Medusa Portrait to enter Medusa dungeon you can enter with the team of 4 or you can enter alone your main object is to defeat Medusa.

Medusa dungeon Chimeraland - zilliongamer

You need to reach level 20 in order to enter Medusa challenge is easy it requires 15K power you only have 10min make sure to defeat her on time.

After you defeat Medusa you will guaranteed get one Viper Emblem you need at least 3 of the Viper Emblem to fuse it into Windwalker Medusa Recruitment.

Note: You can enter Medusa dungeon 2 times per week and the reset time for this dungeon at 5:00 UTC every Sunday.

After fuse them into Windwalker Medusa Recruitment you will find the Medusa Attendant in your Backpack pet section use it and you got your Epic Windwalker Medusa.

Windwalker Medusa base stats:

  • ATK quality: 30 / 71.
  • HP quality: 28 / 68.
  • DEF quality: 30 / 71.

You can increase Acumen level Windwalker Medusa at least 6 of maximum inherited skills. You can use any kinds of weapons by doing Qi's by doing that allow your attendant yo master specific weapon 5% damage.

You can increase Windwalker Medusa stats by feed them with tasty food we recommend you to feed Chimeraland One pot dish.

Feed tasty food to increase her stats you can get one pot dish by cooking or purchase Treasured Flight Pass to get tasty food.

Note: You can raise it attributes by chance (RNG) so you have to feed it even more food to increase her stats.