Chimeraland How to Evolve Illustrious Finned Fox

Here is information about how to Evolve Snopine into Illustrious Finned Fox in Chimeraland. Find out everything you should know about evolving Illustrious Finned Fox.

Illustrious Finned Fox Stats

Down below is Illustrious Finned Fox base stats:

Max ATK QualityMax HP QualityMax DEF Quality

Note: Illustrious Finned Fox stat will increase based on their Level.

Illustrious Finned Fox Evolve

Illustrious Finned Fox is a legendary pet you can evolve Snopine in to Illustrious Finned Fox or Noble Finned Fox. We'll show you how to evolve your Snopine pet into Illustrious Finned Fox down below:

First of all you need a pet Snopine you can find Snopine on westmount, plains, Mount Terra,deserts, and mountains usually Snopine can be found in soulshatterQuay.

Down below is Snopine Location:

Snopine is easy to find you can capture them using rare grade Mustard Shot X-Box or higher grade to capture them.

Chimeraland how to evolve pet Snopine into Illustrious Finned Fox you must have your pet Snopine devour special Strange Beasts to obtain certain parts of their body.

To evolve Snopine you need to devour it with Lotus Horsedeer to obtain parts of their body.

Lotus Horsedeer Location

You can easily find Lotus Horsedeer all over the world you can capture them using Common Mustard Shot X-Bow to capture them.

After you have got Snopine as a per now it's time to devour it with Lotus Horsedeer. You need to make sure that your Snopine has higher level than Horsedeer when devouring successfully the game will give you the option to replace the body parts you need to obtain Lotus Horsedeer's Tail.

When you get Lotus Horsedeer's Tail you need one more material Illustrious Finned Fox Pill to evolve Snopine into Illustrious Finned Fox. 

For Illustrious Finned Fox Pill You can get it by purchasing it in the Shop cost 4186 Ruby to get Ruby you need to exchange Amber for Ruby.

Illustrious Finned Fox Pill unlike the other Pill it can't be crafted the only way to get it is to buy it in the Shop.

Spirit Witch Trahaern Location

Chimeraland pet evolve once you have Illustrious Tengu Pill go to Spirit Witch Trahaern, she can be found on a small island at Eastmount talk to the Spirit Witch Trahaern to obtain your Illustrious Finned Fox pet.

Spirit Witch Trahaern | Chimeraland - zilliongamer