Top 5 Best Assault Rifles in COD Mobile Season 4

COD Mobile Season 4: Disavowed is out now and the assault rifle choice also change but not alot. Find out the top 5 best assault rifle in season 4 here:

1. HBRa3

Top 1 Best Assault Rifle in COD Mobile Season 4: HBRa3 - zilliongamer

HBRa3 is the best assault rifle in COD Mobile season 4. This gun has great damage, fast fire rate, and the accuracy of HBRa3 is very accurate when shooting.

HBRa3 recoil is mainly vertical which the gun move from top to bottm when firing and it is pretty easy to control. The gun is really good to use from close to medium range. 

More detail of HBRa3

2. AK117

Top 1 Best Assault Rifle in COD Mobile Season 4: AK117 - zilliongamer

AK117 is the second best assault rifle in COD Mobile Season 4. This gun has good damage, very fast fire rate, and the accuracy of AK117 is high.

AK117 recoil is mainly horizontal which the gun move from left to right when firing and it is pretty easy to control. The gun is really good to use from close to medium range.

More detail of AK117

3. Type 25

Top 1 Best Assault Rifle in COD Mobile Season 4: Type 25 - zilliongamer

Type 25 is the third best assault rifle in COD Mobile Season 4. This gun has average damage, very fast fire rate and good accuracy.

Type 25 recoil is mainly vertical which make the gun move from top to bottom when firing however, the recoil is moderate and is only good in clsoe range combat.

More detail of Type 25

4. Man-O-War

Top 1 Best Assault Rifle in COD Mobile Season 4: Man-O-War - zilliongamer

Man-O-War is the fourth best assault rifle in COD Mobile Season 4. This gun is an underrated assault rifle that has very high damage, slow fire rate but the accuracy of the gun is very accurate.

Man-O-War recoil is mainly vertical which make the gun move from top to bottom when firing and the recoil is very easy to control as well. This gun work well in any range from close to long.

More detail of Man-O-War

5. AK-47

Top 1 Best Assault Rifle in COD Mobile Season 4: AK-47 - zilliongamer

AK-47 is the fifth best assault rifle in COD Mobile Season 4. This gun has a very high damage output, average fire rate. The accuracy of AK-47 is high.

AK-47 recoil is mainly vertical which make the gun move from top to bottom when firing and the recoil is moderate which require some practice. This is really good in close to medium range.

More detail of AK-47


In conclusion, these are the top 5 assault rifle that has best stats and performance in COD Mobile Season 4.