COD Mobile S36 Best Attachments Builds

Here are all best attachments builds for S36 light machine gun.

COD Mobile Best Attachments for S36 - zilliongamer

Unlock S36 once you reach player level 120 or from opening gun crate. This gun has very high damage and fire rate and also good for both close and long range.

COD Mobile S36 Guides

Best Attachments for S36 - Enemy Hunter

COD Mobile Best Attachments for S36: Enemy Hunter - zilliongamer

This attachments helps S36 to shoot long range much easier with good recoil control and having clearer vision on the enemy.


Optic: Tactical Scope.

Muzzle: FMJ-LMG.

Grip: Foregrip-LMG.

Magazine: Extended Mag-LMG.

Using this builds to eliminate long range enemies, head glitchers, and other target who camp behind wall and more.

Best Attachments for S36 - Stealth Destroyer

COD Mobile Best Attachments for S36: Stealth Destroyer - zilliongamer

This might be the best attachments for S36 to play in normal match or to go for high killcounts. Since you can eliminate a lot of enemy before them knowing your position.


Optic: Tactical Scope

Muzzle: FMJ-LMG.

2nd Muzzle: Suppressor-LMG.

Grip: Foregrip-LMG.

The classic 2 muzzle combination, 1 to penetrate and other 1 to supress the fire sound, from long range when using this attachments the enemy will look like a fool trying to find you.

Best Attachments for S36 - Close Range

COD Mobile Best Attachments for S36: Close Range - zilliongamer

S36 is not really a good close range gun to use but with this attachments it can help to improve close range combat.


Optic: Red Dot Sight.

Grip: Foregrip-LMG.

Mag: Extended Mag-LMG.

Other: Quickdraw-LMG.

This can help S36 a lot in close range combat, you want to play slow get 1 kill and change your position beucase S36 is a slow pace gun.


In conclusion, S36 is much better to be in long range than to use in close range the varity of attachments is also more on long range combat. What is your favorite builds?