M4 VS LK24 Comparison

Find out the comparison between M4 vs LK24 in Call of Duty Mobile.

The comparison is mainly focus on each gun stats, gun skin perks and weapon attachment did not compared.

M4 VS LK24 Overview

Find out the comparison of M4 and LK24 in COD Mobile here.

These two guns has very high accuracy and are two of the most underrated assault rifle in Call of Duty Mobile. The comparison of M4 and Lk24 is to find out which gun is more accurate during a combat.

M4 VS LK24 Stats Comparison

Note: This is the original stats. No attachment equipped in the comparison.

Fire Rate6062


M4 vs LK24 Comparison in Call of Duty Mobile.

The only thing M4 has higher advantage over LK24 is the accuracy.

High accuracy: High accuracy allows M4 to hit moving target better.


M4 vs LK24 Comparison in Call of Duty Mobile.

LK24 has higher damage, fire rate, and support longer range than M4.

Higher damage: Having higher damage allows LK24 to eliminate the enemy quicker than M4.

Higher fire rate: Having higher fire rate mean that LK24 will shoot faster.

Longer range: LK24 can reach longer range than M4 when firing.

Comparison Result

M4 win the comparison by having more accurate than LK24 but beside that LK24 win almost every other stats from damage to range.

 View Other Gun Comparison


M4 took the first place of being one of the must accurate gun in COD Mobile but LK24 is also a good gun to use since it has more damage, fre rate, and long range.

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