AK117 VS Type 25 Comparison

Find out the comparison between AK117 vs Type 25 in Call of Duty Mobile here.

The comparison is mainly focus on each gun stats, gun skin perks and weapon attachment did not compared.

AK117 VS Type 25 Overview

Find out the comparison of AK117 and Type 25 in COD Mobile here.

When talking about the best close range gun to use in COD Mobile these 2 gun will get mentioned most of the time.

Type 25 and AK117 are mostly known by a lot of high rank players and most preffered gun by professional players.

AK117 VS Type 25 Stats Comparison

Note: This is the original stats. No attachment equipped in the comparision.

Fire Rate7070


AK117 vs Type 25 Comparison in Call of Duty Mobile.

AK117 has less damage than Type 25 but it has higher accuracy and range.

High accuracy: Having higher accuracy allows AK117 to hit the enemy easier especially when the target is strafing or moving.

High range: Having high range allows AK117 to hit the target further than Type 25.

Type 25

Type 25 vs AK117 Comparison in Call of Duty Mobile.

Type 25 has more damage than  AK117 but lower accuracy and range.

High damage: Having higher damage allows Type 25 to kill an enemy faster if landed all of the shots.

Comparison Result

Type 25 win the comparison by having more damage. 

In close range combat all you need is a weapon that has high damage and fast fire rate, accuracy and range doesn't really matter.

At this comparison you can see that both Type 25 and AK117 fire rate are the same and Type 25 has more damage.

View Other Gun Comparison


Type 25 took the first place of best close range guns by having higher damage than AK117. Think the comparison result is not fair? Leave your comment down below.