COD Mobile Season 5 Battle Pass: Steel Legion - New Characters and Gun Skins

The Season 5 Battle Pass Season 5 name "Steel Legion" in COD Mobile will release on 1st, April, 2020 featuring 2 new soldiers, new gun, and skins theme.

Season 5: New Characters

In the upcoming season 5 battle pass, David Mason and Reaper will be the main soldiers that you can get in premium battle pass.

David Mason

COD Mobile Season 5 Battle Pass New Character: David Mason - zilliongamer

David Mason is expect to claim on Tier 1 of premium battle pass.


COD Mobile Season 5 Battle Pass New Character: Reaper - zilliongamer

Reaper is expect to claim on Tier 12 of premium season 5 battle pass if COD Mobile use the same strategy of season 4 battle pass.

Season 5: New Gun Skins

Here are some of the new cool looking gun skins that you can get in the upcoming battle pass "Steel Legion".

Arctic.50 Steel Blue

COD Mobile Season 5 Battle Pass: Arctic.50 Steel Blue skin - zilliongamer

S36 Heavy Duty

COD Mobile Season 5 Battle Pass: S36 Heavy Duty skin - zilliongamer

AK-47 Steel Blue

COD Mobile Season 5 Battle Pass: AK-47 Steel Blue skin - zilliongamer

AK-47 Wrath Black & Gold

COD Mobile Season 5 Battle Pass: AK-47 Wrath Black & Gold skin - zilliongamer

Currently there are no information of what tier that each skin place in the battle pass yet.

Season 5 Battle Pass "Steel Legion" Trailer

This is the latest trailer of Season 5 Battle Pass "Steel Legion" by Call of Duty Mobile.


In Conclusion, these are just some of the main showcase during the Season 5 Trailer from Call of Duty Mobile. For sure there will be a lot of new stuff to come with the battle pass such as the new gun gks-30 smg and more.