COD Mobile Best Gun For Season 5: Nerf and Buff Change

COD Mobile Season 5 is coming soon! Here is a recap of all the best guns in Season 4 and see which gun that gonna get nerf or buff.

COD Mobile Best Guns Season 4 that will get nerf in Season 5


Another nerf for S36, this is the second time the S36 get recoil nerf.

S36 COD Mobile Season 5 Nerf - zilliongamer

Nerf: More recoil applied to the S36 and stability reduce.

In Season 5, the S36 will receive more horizontal recoil making the gun harder to spray in long rangecombat, it is still effective in close range because the fire rate stay the same. The stability of the S36 is also reduced making it harder to control a long spray.


One of the best smg in Season 4, the MSMC also get another nerf.

MSMC COD Mobile Season 5 Nerf - zilliongamer

Nerf: Reduce Stability and short range damage.

MSMC will also receive a nerf coming into the season 5 which applied to the stability and reduce short range damage making the gun even hard and take longer time to kill the enemy.

Type 25

The second nerf is coming into Type 25 because the first nerf is not enough.

Type 25 COD Mobile Season 5 Nerf - zilliongamer

Nerf: Reduced short range damage of Type 25.

The Type 25 will receive a short range damage reduced coming into Season 5, this nerf will increase the Type 25 time to kill which is what best of Type 25 in Season 4.

COD Mobile Season 4 Guns that will get buff in Season 5


Man-O-War is the rarest gun in COD Mobile, and in Season 5 it will become more common.

Man-O-War COD Mobile Season 5 Buff - zilliongamer

Buff: Lower recoil.

The Man-O-War recoil is weirdly combine with horizontal and highly vertical when shooting, the season 5 buff will reduce the Man-O-War vertical recoil and make it easier to use.


Another buff for AK-47 recoil in the upcoming Season 5 of COD Mobile.

AK-47 COD Mobile Season 5 Buff - zilliongamer

Buff: Lower horizontal recoil

This might be the meta gun in Season 5 because in current season 4 the AK-47 is already great, if the buff is true the gun will be even easier to use.


The ASM10 also get buff because in the current season the gun is rarely use.

ASM10 COD Mobile Season 5 Buff - zilliongamer

Buff: Greatly increase stability and range.

This buff might bring ASM10 back into the action, the gun is a really good gun with low recoil and now getting the stability and range buff will make it even better.


LK24 COD Mobile Season 5 Buff - zilliongamer

The damage fluctuation range according to the firing distance of the LK24 bullet has been reduced, which mean that the LK24 close and medium range shooting will be more effective.

Ranged Increased Buff Gun

BK57 COD Mobile Season 5 Buff - zilliongamerICR-1 COD Mobile Season 5 Buff - zilliongamer

Both BK57 and ICR-1 get a range buff in Season 5 which make the gun more popular in long range combat.


In conclusion, we might see a new gun meta coming into Season 5 unlike the last 4 season where Type 25, MSMC, and S36 are in every match.