Unlock Free Cordite in COD Mobile Gunslinger Seasonal Quest

To unlock the free version of Cordite smg in COD Mobile you need to complete in Gunslinger Seasonal quest. Find out how to do it here.

1. Find Gunslinger Quest

First thing is to know where the Gunslinger quest is located, Find Gunslinger quest by going to the event tab > Seasonal quest > Gunslinger.

How to get Cordite in COD Mobile | zilliongamer

After you find it, you will see that there 6 tasks that you need to complete to get the free Cordite smg.

2. Complete 6 Tasks to Unlock Cordite

After you find the Gunslinger quest, you will require to complete all the 6 tasks, and in each tasks also have rewards that you can get.

Here are all the tasks that you need to complete:

  1. Kill 30 enemies in 1v1 Duel Mode.
  2. Kill 15 enemies with Shotguns in 1v1 Duel Mode.
  3. Kill 15 enemeis with Sniper Rifles in 1v1 Duel Mode.
  4. Win 5 matches in 1v1 Duel Mode.
  5. Kill 10 enemies with Pistols in 1v1 Duel Mode.
  6. Win 10 matches in 1v1 Duel on Saloon Map.

After you complete all the tasks you will unlock:

  • ASM10 - Desert Snake
  • BY15 - Ashen Viper
  • DL Q33 - Ashen Viper
  • BK57 - Ashen Viper
  • MW11 - Ashen Viper
  • Cordite SMG

Already Unlock the Cordite? Feel free to check out:

Cordite SMG Attachment & Perks Guide


In short, all you need for a free version of Cordite smg is a kills grind in all 6 tasks in Gunslinger quest. See you on the battlefield with the new gun.