Dream Crystal Weapon Crate Items & Odds

Find all info of Dream Crystal Weapon Crate in COD MObile including item in crate, main item, and item odds.

COD Mobile Dream Crystal Weapon Crate Information - zilliongamer

Crate Name: Dream Crystal Weapon Crate.

Price: 170 CP (Price may change in other country).

Items List in Dream Crystal Weapon Crate

COD Mobile Daily Crate Season 2: Pharo - Dream Crystal - zilliongamerPharo - Dream Crystal
COD Mobile Daily Crate Season 2: J358 - Black Gold - zilliongamerJ358 - Black Gold
COD Mobile Daily Crate Season 2: S36 - Magical Eye - zilliongamerS36 - Magical Eye
COD Mobile Daily Crate Season 2: BY15 - Magical Eye - zilliongamerBY15 - Magical Eye
COD Mobile Daily Crate Season 2: ATV - Orange - zilliongamerATV - Orange
COD Mobile Daily Crate Season 2: Knife - Magic Bull - zilliongamerKnife - Magic Bull
COD Mobile Daily Crate Season 2: Spray - Pixel Scorestreak 1 - zilliongamerSpray - Pixel Scorestreak 1
COD Mobile Daily Crate Season 2: Spray - Pixel Scorestreak 2 - zilliongamerSpray - Pixel Scorestreak 2
COD Mobile Daily Crate Season 2: Frag Grenade - Magical Eye - zilliongamerFrag Grenade - Magical Eye
COD Mobile Daily Crate Season 2: Smoke Grenade - Magical Eye - zilliongamerSmoke Grenade - Magical Eye
COD Mobile Daily Crate Season 2: Flashbang Grenade - Magical Eye - zilliongamerFlashbang Grenade - Magical Eye
COD Mobile Daily Crate Season 2: ASM10 Bats - zilliongamerASM10 - Bats
COD Mobile Daily Crate Season 2: Chicom Bats - zilliongamerChicom - Bats
COD Mobile Daily Crate Season 2: UL736 Bats - zilliongamerUl736 - Bats
COD Mobile Daily Crate Season 2: MW11 Bats - zilliongamerMW11 - Bats
COD Mobile Daily Crate Season 2: SMRS Bats - zilliongamerSMRS - Bats
COD Mobile Daily Crate Season 2: Credits - zilliongamerCredits - 600
COD Mobile Daily Crate Season 2: Credits - zilliongamerCredits - 500
COD Mobile Daily Crate Season 2: Credits - zilliongamerCredits - 400
COD Mobile Daily Crate Season 2: Credits - zilliongamerCredits - 200
COD Mobile Daily Crate Season 2: Credits - zilliongamerCredits - 120

The main item that you can get from Dream Crystal crate is the newset SMG Pharo with Dream Crystal skin.

Pharo - Dream Crystal

Pharo Skin: Dream Crystal in Call of Duty Mobile.

Items Odds

Pharo - Dream Crystal1.35%
J358 - Black Gold2.80%
S36 - Magical Eye1.00%
BY15 - Magical Eye1.00%
ATV - Orange1.00%
Knife - Magic Bull1.00%
Spray - Pixel Scorestreak 11.00%
Spray - Pixel Scorestreak 21.00%
Frag Grenade - Magical Eye1.00%
Smoke Grenade - Magical Eye1.00%
Flashbang Grenade - Magical Eye1.00%
ASM10 - Bats10.00%
Chicom - Bats10.00%
Ul736 - Bats10.00%
MW11 - Bats10.00%
SMRS - Bats10.00%
Credits - 6001.00%
Credits - 5002.00%
Credits - 4003.00%
Credits - 2004.00%
Credits - 12026.95%

If you are looking for Pharo this is the crate that you sould open also there are a lot of good item inside as well. However, the crate is only 10 Days before it get swap.