Viego TFT Set 5 Build, Abilities, & Synergies

TFT Set "5" Veigo Item Build, Abilities, & Synergies.

VeigoTFT Set 5 | Veigo - zilliongamer

Item Build

TFT Item: Hand of Justice - zilliongamerTFT Item: Infinity Edge - zilliongamerTFT Item: Quicksilver - zilliongamer


Health1000 / 1800 / 3240
Starting Mana35
DPS126 / 227 / 408
Damage126 / 227 / 408
Attack Speed1
Crit Rate25%


TFT Set 5 Kayle Abilities | Sovereign's Domination - zilliongamerSovereign's Domination

Viego attempts to corrupt the soul of his target for 5 seconds, stunning them and dealing them magic damage each second, increased by 100% each second. Viego will be interrupted if he is stunned. If his victim dies, they are resurrected at full health to fight for him, but lose a percent of their maximum health per second. Viego's allies prefer to not target Viego's victim while they're being corrupted, and corrupted enemies benefit from your team's Traits rather than their original owner's Traits.

Damage: 150 / 250 / 10000.

Health Lost Per Second: 15% / 7% / 0%.




Forgotten champions have bonus Attack Damage and Ability Power. Each Shadow item held by a Forgotten champion increases these bonuses by 10% on all Forgotten champions, stacking up to 4 times.

(3) 35 Attack Damage and Ability Power.

(6) 70 Attack Damage and Ability Power.

(9) 110 Attack Damage and Ability Power.

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Innate: At the start of combat Assassins leap to the enemy backline. Assassin' abilities can critically strike and they gain bonus Critical Strike Chance and bonus Critical Strike Damage.

(2) 10% Crit Chance; 25% Crit Damage.

(4) 30% Crit Chance; 55% Crit Damage.

(6) 50% Crit Chance; 90% Crit Damage.

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Skirmishers gain a shield at the start of combat, and gain Attack Damage each second.

(3) 300 Shield and +3 Attack Damage each second.

(6) 600 Shield and +10 Attack Damage each second.

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End of Viego TFT Set 5.