The Best Reiichi Build for Strinova

In Strinova, Reiichi is a mid to long range character to use for attacking any site. Find this character key features, best build for demolition, and guides down below.

Reiichi Key Features

Reiichi is one of The Scissors with an official role of Controller. His skills are great to get recon of enemies position, so he's always ready to fight.

Reiichi | Strinova - zilliongamer

Reiichi primary weapon is name Dawn. It's a DMR that deal very high damage with 2 to 3 shots to eliminate enemy up to 30M and has great handling.

Reiichi is a character that fit for players who like to play tactical, picking mid to long range fight, and get enemy recon position.

To master Reiichi you need to have good aim, it's not a 1 shot kill weapon, so your aim will come to test after that first shot.

Down below we cover every aspect of this character from how to effectively use his skill and ultimate, his weapon stats details, to the best Reiichi build for Demolition mode, and best awaken.

Reiichi Skills Details & Best Way To Utilize

Reiichi skills consist of Dawn's Insight, Daybreak, and Sanctified Shield. These 3 skills will increase your chance of improving accuracy.

Dawn's Insight (Passive)

In-game description: Reiichi periodically scans for enemies while in ADS mode. Scanned enemies are exposed briefly only to him.

This passive only procs after a certain time during scope in, you need to hard scope the angel and after his weapon charged, it will send the signal to scan for their position.

Daybreak (Q)

In-game description: Reiichi deploys his umbrella to create a light Screen, castable vertically, that obscures vision.

This skill is very powerful to create a line of sight for your team and yourself to attack the enemy bomb site or to delay enemy from rushing you.

Sanctified Shield (Ultimate)

In-game description: Reiichi instantly refreshes his active skill, enhancing the light Screen to block all enemy bullets.

His ultimate make his first skill become a defensive mechanic that will keep him or his team from getting hit by enemy.

Reiichi Weapon: Dawn Stats & Recoil

Dawn is a DMR, it fire semi-automatic or 1 by 1 damage with medium fire rate and good recoil bounce when firing. Find more detail about this weapon down below:

Reiichi Weapon: Dawn | Strinova - zilliongamer

Note: This is base stats. No build apply on it yet.

  • Damage (10M): Head: 154 | Body: 72 | Leg: 50
  • Damage (30M): Head: 151 | Body: 70 | Leg: 49
  • Damage (50M): Head: 143 | Body: 66 | Leg: 46
  • Rate of Fire: 200
  • ADS Speed: 42
  • Accuracy: 15
  • Handling: 60
  • Magazine Capacity: 8
  • Reload Speed: 22

Since this weapon is a DMR, we don't have any of it recoil pattern, you just simply need to be accurate with the shot you take.

Understand our skills and weapon guide will help you improve as Reiichi players, down below you are going to understand how to properly build him to suit your playstyle.

Best Reiichi Build in Strinova

Disclaimer: This build is only for Demolition and Escort game mode. Please read the awaken list first.

Reiichi Awaken List

Awaken #Details

Awaken 1

1 Blue 1 Green

Enemies crossing the Light Screen are temporarily exposed.

Awaken 2

2 Yellow 1 Green

Enemies crossing the Light Screen lose 35 armor for 5s; allies gain 20 temporary armor upon crossing, triggers once every 6s.

Awaken 3

3 Blue 2 Yellow

The Light Screen turns semi-transparent for nearby allies while remaining opaque to enemies.

When reading our build guide, please pay attention to our color: blue, yellow, green.

1st Awaken Build

The first awaken is call Sentry Screen, this awaken is very good to locate enemy position. You need to buy 1 blue and 1 green to activate this awaken:

  • First Blue: Headshot Damage
  • First Green: Heavy Armor

This is our build for Reichii first awaken, we increase the headshot damage so hitting headshot will favors you more.

Beside the headshot damage boost, we also boost Reiichi armor so he can survive more longer in gunfight. 

2nd Awaken Build

The second awaken is call Light's Judgement, this awaken weaken any enemy that want to attack you during your activate skill deployed.

You need to buy 2 yellow after the first awaken, here are our recommendation build:

  • First Yellow: Daybreak Duration +5s
  • Second Yellow: Dawn's Insight: Cooldown -1.5s

This awaken build make your activate skill longer so that you will have more time to prepare for the attack or retake defend.

Our build also make the Dawn passive charge faster as well, so you can get multiple recon out during the ADS of the weapon.

3rd Awaken Build

The third awaken is call Chosen Ones, this awaken allows your teammate to spot enemy nearby your active skill as well. This awaken is personal preference.

In order to activate this awaken you need to buy 2 more blue, here are our recommendation build:

  • Second Blue: ADS Speed
  • Third Blue: Recoil Handling

This awaken build improve Reiichi weapon allows players to scope in faster as well as improved the handling of the weapon so new player can enjoy using the gun without worry much about the recoil kick.

Overall, the best awaken for Reiichi are the first and the second awaken while the third awaken is entire personal preference or you can skip it entirely.

Best Secondary for Reiichi

Reiichi primary is a DMR, we recommend having a fully automatic secondary to swipe out for close range gunfight against enemy that catch you off guard.

Here are our recommendation:

Strinova Stinger - zilliongamerStingerStinger is a fully automatic SMG that deals good damage with low recoil control.
Strinova Emberspit - zilliongamerEmberspitIf you want to deal more close range damage but you don't want to aim, you can use Emberspit instead.

These 2 weapon are the best secondary for Reiichi to use, it's a great support that you should have when going into the match.

Best Tactical Items for Reiichi

Tactical items is also very essential when playing Reiichi, here are our tactical items recommendation:

Tac ItemsSummary
Strinova Interceptor - zilliongamerInterceptorInterceptor is an EMP device that will work very well alongside with your first skill.
Strinova Slow Grenade - zilliongamerSlow GrenadeSlow grenade is great to hold enemy from retaking your site, or at least delay them.

Throwing Interceptor alongside your first skill, Daybreak, to make the your teammate rushing without the disturbing of enemy throwable or skills.

Learning the correct timing to throw slow grenade will favors you because it will guaranteed you a delay from the enemy team.

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End of Reiichi Build Guide.