Wild Rift Patch Notes 5.0c Kindred Release Date & More

Wild Rift Patch 5.0c has just been released with Kindred release date, champion changes, skins, and new event.

Find out more detail about the Kindred release date, champion changes, new event, and new skins in patch 5.0c here.

Wild Rift Kindred Release Date

Kindred Release Date Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Kindred is a new marksman jungle champion in Wild Rift, set to release on March 29, 2024, as mentioned in these Patch Notes.

Kindred is a unique and ethereal duo. Together, they function as a jungle marksman champion with a focus on executing strategic plays.

With their unique kit focused on mobility, damage, and the ability to hunt specific targets.

Note: Wild Rift Kindred will be released on March 29 at 00:01 UTC.


Kindred’s Trivia

Spoiler alert, Kindred is coming out this patch! (It’s still a spoiler if you skipped the previous section.) Show off your knowledge and earn rewards.

Name That Champion

Kindred is tumbling through the Rift, and trailing behind them is a new champion! Careful now, don’t get too close or you might get poked.

You can earn guesses through completing missions, and if you guess correctly, there’s a big prize waiting!

Note: Both event begins March 29 at 00:01 UTC.

Champion Changes Patch 5.0c

Here all champions adjustment Wild Rift Patch 5.0c:

  • Braum
  • Graves
  • Jayce
  • Kennen
  • Lee Sin
  • Morgana
  • Nautilus
  • Seraphine
  • Synra
  • Talon
  • Volibear
  • Wukong
  • Yuumi


  • Buffing Braum’s damage so he can protect his team better both in the early game & teamfights.
    • Base Stats: Base Attack Damage: 54 → 58 , Base Mana: 300 → 380.
    • Concussive Blows (Passive): Time of stunning: 1~1.5s → 1.25~1.75s.
    • Unbreakable (Third Ability): Damage Reduction: 28/32/36/40% → 35/40/45/50% , Bonus Movement Speed: 10% → 15%.


  • Buff Graves Base Stats.
    • Base Stats: Base Attack Damage: 64 → 66 , Base Health: 570 → 630.


  • Buff Jayce Base Stats and ability.
    • Base Stats: Base Mana: 345 → 420 , Base Health per level: 112 → 120 , Base Armor per level: 4.3 → 5.
    • Thundering Blow / Acceleration Gate (Third Ability): Acceleration Gate’s Movement Speed Duration: Full level 3s → 2.5/3/3.5/4/4.5s.


  • Nerf some of Kennen's abilities.
    • Lightning Rush (Third Ability): Bonus Movement Speed: 110% → 100% , Damage: 70/125/180/235 + 70% Ability Power → 60/110/160/210 + 70% Ability Power.
    • Slicing Maelstrom (Ulti): Damage per 0.5s: 30/60/90 + 15% Ability Power → 20/55/90 + 13% Ability Power.

Lee Sin

  • Nerf Lee Sin Base Stats and Ability.
    • Base Stats: Base Health 650 → 630.
    • Dragon's Rage (Ulti): Damage: 100/300/500 + 200% bonus Attack Damage + 10/13/16% target’s maximum Health → 100/250/400 + 200% bonus Attack Damage + 10/13/16% target’s maximum Health.


  • Buffed Morgana’s ability to protect her teammates so she can shine both as a damage dealer and a support.
    • Tormented Shadow (Second Ability): Damage to monsters: 225% → 195%.
    • Black Shield (Third Ability): Duration: 4s → 5s.


  • Buff Nautilus ability.
    • Titan's Wrath (Second Ability): Shield value: 55/65/75/85 + 11/12/13/14% maximum Health → 55/65/75/85 + 12/13/14/15% maximum Health , Damage: 40/50/60/70 + 40% Ability Power → 50/60/70/80 + 40% Ability Power.


  • Buff Seraphine movement speed, healing, shield, and cooldown.
    • Surround Sound (Second Ability):
    • Cooldown: 23/20/17/14s → 22/19/16/13s.
    • Bonus Movement Speed: full level 20% → 20/22.5/25/27.5%.
    • Shield: 60/80/100/120 + 40% Ability Power → 60/90/120/150 + 35% Ability Power.
    • Healing: 6.5% + 0.01% Ability Power→ 7.5% + 0.01% Ability Power.


  • Nerf Syndra ability damage and cooldown.
    • Transcendent (Passive): Ability Power increases when gaining 120 Splinters of Wrath: 15% → 12%.
    • Force of Will (Second Ability): Cooldown: 11/10/9/8s → 12/11/10/9 , Damage: 60/105/150/195 + 55% Ability Power → 60/100/140/180 + 45% Ability Power.


  • Nerf Talon damage to monster.
    • Blade's End (Passive): Damage to monsters: 120% → 90%.
    • Assassin's Path (Third Ability): Increase Talon’s speed of vaulting over terrains and turrets by 10%.


  • Nerf Volibear ulitmate.
    • Sormbringer (Ulti): Disable no longer applies to enemy Nexus.


  • Wukong is getting his highly anticipated rework this patch.
    • Base Stats: Base Health Regen: 9 → 12.
    • Crushing Blows (Passive):
    • [New] Stone Skin: Wukong gains stacks of Stone Skin when he attacks enemy champions with base attacks and abilities. Each stack grants him 10 -18 armor and 1.5% max health regeneration every 5s, up to 3 stacks.
    • Golden Staff (First Ability): 
    • [New] Passive: Golden Staff adds an empowering effect on Wukong’s base attacks every 12s. Takedowns will reduce Golden Staff’s passive Cooldown by 2s. The Cooldown of the passive will be reduced by 2s per level, and killing enemy champions will refresh the Cooldown.
    • Damage of empowered base attack: 40/60/80/100 + 35/40/45/50% Attack Damage → 50/70/90/110 + 35/40/45/50% Attack Damage
    • Warrior Trickster (Second Ability): Now the clone can move with the joystick control and can mimic (3) Nimbus Strike to dash.
    • Nimbus Strike (Third Ability): Damage: 60/95/130/165 + 80% bonus Attack Damage → 80/120/160/200 + 80% bonus Attack Damage.
    • Cyclone (Ulti): Damage: 220% Attack Damage + 8/12/16% target maximum Health → 220% Attack Damage + 10/14/18% target maximum Health.
    • Note: Wukong rework will be live on March 21 at 00:01 UTC.


  • Nerf some of Yuumi abilities.
    • You and Me! (Second Ability): Adaptive power: (8/14/20/26 + (5 + 0.25 per level)% bonus Attack Damage) or (16/28/40/52 + (5 + 0.25 per level)% Ability Power) → (8/14/20/26 + (2+ 0.15 per level)% bonus Attack Damage) or (16/28/40/52 + (2 + 0.15 per level)% Ability Power.
    • Final Chapter (Ulti): Cooldown: 75/65/55s → 85/75/65s , Root Duration: 1.75s → 1.5s.

Skins will be released in Patch 5.0c

Warden Nautilus

Warden Nautilus Skin Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Releasing March 21 @ 00:01 UTC

Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV Mythic Chroma

Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV Mythic Chroma Skin Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Releasing March 21 @ 00:01 UTC

Woof and Lamb Kindred

Woof and Lamb Kindred Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Releasing March 29 @ 00:01 UTC

Pajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot

Pajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Releasing March 29 @ 00:01 UTC

Battle Academia Jayce

Battle Academia Jayce Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Releasing April 3 @ 00:01 UTC

Battle Academia Caitlyn

Battle Academia Caitlyn Skin Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Releasing April 3 @ 00:01 UTC


Wild Rift Patch Notes 5.0c are now available with a lot of champion adjustments, items, and the release date for Kindred, which will be released on March 29 at 00:01 UTC.