
Qingxin is an item in Local specialty material of Genshin Impact which is use for ascension with three characters.

Qingxin Genshin Impact

Description: A translucent white flower that only grows on the highest stone peaks. It turns down the offer of the warmth and moisture of the plains to gaze out afar from the solitary mountain peaks.

What characters use Qingxin

Qingxin is an item that is using for ascension with Xiao, Ganyu, and Shenhe characters. Qingxin farming route will reset every 2 days.

Beside using it for character ascension you can also use it as a recipe for making food like:

  • Suspicious Tianshu Meat
  • Tianshu Meat
  • Delicious Tianshu Meat

Where to Get Qingxin Location

Qingxin can be found in the high of stone forests, found in Jueyun Karst and Guyun Stone Forest as we mention in the picture.

Qingxin location in Genshin Impact

You can also buy it from Herbalist Gui Shop and Babak shop if you don't want to waste your time by finding in the wild.

End of Qingxin.