AK117 - Year of the Rat Weapon Crate

Find all info of AK117 Year of the Rat Weapon crate in COD Mobile including item in crate, main item, and item odds.

COD Mobile AK117 Year of the Rat Weapon Crate - zilliongamer

Crate name: AK117 - Year of the Rat Weapon Crate.

Price: 60 CP (Price may change in other country).

Item List in AK117 Year of the Rat Weapon Crate

COD Mobile AK117 Year of the Rat Weapon crate: AK117 - Year of the Rat - zilliongamerAK117 - Year of the Rat
COD Mobile AK117 Year of the Rat Weapon crate: Knife - Year of the Rat - zilliongamerKnife - Year of the Rat
COD Mobile AK117 Year of the Rat Weapon crate: MW11 - Year of the Rat - zilliongamerMW11 - Year of the Rat
COD Mobile AK117 Year of the Rat Weapon crate: Flashbang - Year of the Rat - zilliongamerFlashbang - Year of the Rat
COD Mobile AK117 Year of the Rat Weapon crate: Frag Grenade - Year of the Rat - zilliongamerFrag Grenade - Year of the Rat
COD Mobile AK117 Year of the Rat Weapon crate: Frag Grenade - UL736 Gridiron Football - zilliongamerUL736 - Gridiron Football
COD Mobile AK117 Year of the Rat Weapon crate: Frag Grenade - S36 Gridiron Football - zilliongamerS36 - Gridiron Football
COD Mobile AK117 Year of the Rat Weapon crate: XPR50 Gridiron Football - zilliongamerXPR-50 - Gridiron Football
COD Mobile AK117 Year of the Rat Weapon crate: MW11 Gridiron Football - zilliongamerMW11 - Gridiron Football
COD Mobile AK117 Year of the Rat Weapon crate: FHJ-18 Gridiron Football - zilliongamerFHJ-18- Gridiron Football
COD Mobile Daily Crate Season 2: Credits - zilliongamerCredits 200
COD Mobile Daily Crate Season 2: Credits - zilliongamerCredits 100
COD Mobile Daily Crate Season 2: Credits - zilliongamerCredits 80
COD Mobile Daily Crate Season 2: Credits - zilliongamerCredits 50

The main item that you can get from Year of the Rat weapon crate is:

AK117 - Year of the Rat

COD Mobile AK117 skin: AK117 Year of the Rat - zilliongamer

Item Odds

AK117 - Year of the RatN/A
Knife - Year of the RatN/A
MW11 - Year of the RatN/A
Flashbang - Year of the RatN/A
Frag - Year of the RatN/A
UL736 - Gridiron FootballN/A
S36 - Gridiron FootballN/A
XPR-50 Gridiron FootballN/A
MW11 - Gridiron FootballN/A
FHJ18- Gridiron FootballN/A
Credits 200N/A
Credits 100N/A
Credits 80N/A
Credits 50N/A

AK117 - Year of the Rat is a lunar festival celebration crate that contain one of the best gun to use in Season 3 with very good looking skin.v