Valorant Protocol 781-A Skin Bundle

Here is the information about Valorant Protocol 781-A Bundle including price and more.

Protocol 781-A Skin Bundle

Valorant Protocol 781-A Skin Bundle - zilliongamer

According to  Valorleak, this upcoming new ACT will come with a skin set known as Protocol 781-A. Protocol 781-A set will release after run it back bundle.

Protocol 781-A set will include Protocol 781-A Sheriff, Protocol 781-A Phantom, Protocol 781-A Bulldog, Protocol 781-A Spectre, and Protocol 781-A Melee. There are different variants to upgrade such as VFX, Sound, Animation, and Finisher. The bundle will cost 9900 VP and Each gun skin cost about 2475 VP and Melee Skin cost 4950 VP (Base on the same price as Elderflame).

Here is a closer look image of Protocol 781-A Bundle.

Protocol 781-A Sheriff

Price: 2475 VP

Protocol 781-A Skin Bundle: Protocol 781-A Sheriff - zilliongamer

Protocol 781-A Phantom

Price: 2475 VP

Protocol 781-A Skin Bundle: Protocol 781-A Phantom - zilliongamer

Protocol 781-A Bulldog

Price: 2475 VP

Protocol 781-A Skin Bundle: Protocol 781-A Bulldog - zilliongamer

Protocol 781-A Spectre

Price: 2475 VP

Protocol 781-A Skin Bundle: Protocol 781-A Spectre - zilliongamer

Protocol 781-A Energy Sword

Price: 4950 VP

Protocol 781-A Skin Bundle: Protocol 781-A Melee - zilliongamer

End of Protocol 781-A Skin Bundle