Welcome to The Best Level 70 Weapons Ranking Tier in Undawn. Guide on which weapons has higher base damage, best weapons stats, without any attachment on it check out down below:
Tier S+
AK-47 Assault Rifle
AK-47 is still in Tier S+ in Level 70 weapon. This gun is known as a close & mid-range firearm most trusted by survivors inside the world of Undawn. It has great base damage and the material to craft this weapon is easy to get and cheap. You also need to have better Aim control if you want to use this weapon.
SH95 Gun Shield
SH95 Gun Shield is in Tier S+ Level 70 weapon. This gun can deal great damage & a fast fire rate and the good thing of this gun is it has a small shield capable of blocking some direct fire from your enemy. The shield can be broken and will recover back after 20seconds when you put it away.
M82 Heavy Sniper Rifle
M82 Heavy Sniper Rifle is in Tier S+ Level 70 weapon. This gun is great in armor-piercing and high explosive rounds and deals splash damage. Great to use in both PVE & PVP mode that can deals a great damage but when using this gun you should find a better spot when shooting.
M134 Heavy Machine Gun
M134 Heavy Machine Gun is in Tier S+ Level 70 weapon. This weapon in Level 70 can deal really great damage and fast fire rate so it is really useful to use in PVE mode to hold a group of enemies and destroy the boss. But remember that when using this weapon your movement speed is decreasing.
AK-15 Assault Rifle
AK-15 Assault Rifle is in Tier S+ Level 70 weapon this weapon is really similar to AK-47 the damage that it has it also high with a fast fire rate and easy-to-control recoil while spraying. This AK-15 is really popular in PVP to destroy the enemy.
Tier S
CZ76 Assault Rifle
CZ76 Assault Rifle is in Tier S Level 70 weapon. This gun is great for those players who don't like to use the AK series. You can consider using this CZ76 which can deal great damage good recoil control and 1 more thing the fire rate that this gun has is higher than the AK series.
ALFA Assault Rifle
ALFA Assault Rifle is in Tier S Level 70 Weapon. This gun is similar to CZ76 but it has a higher Fire Rate & great Ammo Capacity of 40.
HK416 Assault Rifle
HK416 is in Tier S Level 70 Weapon.The Performance in the game HK416 is best for some players that have bad Aim. With Less Recoil and a fast fire rate, this gun can suit in every situation best for Long & close-range spray and is also good in PvP mode as well.
TRG Sniper Rifle
TRG Sniper Rifle is in Tier S Level 70 Weapon. This sniper can deal good damage but seem not a player favorite this sniper is hard to get you need to Reach Level 70 and also need a higher Firearm Master to craft this Sniper. You think twice Before crafting this weapon.
M24 Sniper Rifle
M24 Sniper Rifle is in Tier S Level 70 Weapon. This M24 is famous for its high accuracy, smooth curves, elegant appearance, and also has great Fire Rate. M24 can be the best combo weapon to use as long-range in PVP mode.
Tier A
Vector Submachine Gun
Vector is a Tier A Level 70 weapon with the highest Fire Rate of 870. Moreover, Vector is easy to control, and with the fast fire rate that it has you can kill the Enemy or the Boss so quickly. And if you build a Critical Stats on it it will become even more powerful.
PP-19 Bizon
PP-19 Bizon is a Tier A Level 70 weapon. This gun is really smooth when shooting if we compare to other gun and also easy to control. Moreover, it has a great amount of Ammo Capacity which is great to use and running down your enemy at close and mid-range in PVP Mode.
SVD Sniper Rifle
SVD Sniper Rifle in Tier A Level 70 weapon. This gun has high accuracy with a really fast fire rate that can be used as long-range fire support in both PVP & PVE Modes. But the damage is a bit lower and also it a bit expensive & hard to craft this weapon.