Snowbreak: Nita Hands Build Guide & Team Composition

Nita Hands is a 4-star character that uses shotgun & she deals kinetic damage, check out Nita Hands build guide and team comp here.

Check out the best Nita Hands best weapon, logistics, manifestation, neuronics, and team composition in Snowbreak: Containment Zone here.

Best Weapon for Nita Hands Snowbreak: Containment Zone

The best weapons for Nita Hands are: Knock Knock Shotgun (Rare), Mechanized Cop Shotgun (Epic), and Tiny Grains Shotgun (Legendary).

Best Weapon For Nita Hands Snowbreak: Containment Zone - zilliongamer

In early and mid-game best weapon for Nita Hands are Knock Knock and Mechanized Cop Shotguns, it helps increases a decent amount of Kinetic DMG.

The best weapons for Nita Hands in late game are legendary Tiny Grains Shotgun because it helps increase a huge amount of her Kinetic DMG.

Best Logistics for Nita Hands Snowbreak: Containment Zone

Best Logistics for Nita Hands: (Koffman Squad) Harfu, Jarl, and Sladen.

Best Logistics For Nita Hands Snowbreak: Containment Zone - zilliongamer

  • Koffman Squad will help increase her attack damage, her armor, and max health, any of these logistics should have a random stat in it if you are able to get Kinetic DMG stats make sure to equip it on Nita Hands.
    • 2 Officers: Increases Shield Acquisition Efficiency by 30%.
    • 3 Officers: When shields are active, increases Ballistic DMG by 32%, decreases DMG receive by 10%.

Nita Hands Manifestation & Neuronics

You can get an extra bonus Nita Hands stats Passive % by upgrading manifestation, we recommend upgrading until you reach M5 Mahadeva if you can.

Punarjanman (M1) after using Vrishavahana, unleashes New Age Mantra: deals Kinetic DMG equal to 50% of Nita's ATK +50% of current Shield to the Target.

Sarveshwara (M2) shield constructed by Nita provides Iron Body effect.

Palanhaar (M3) after using Vrashavahana, Nita gains Shield equal to 40% of her own ATK for 5s.

Bhutapala (M4) vrishavahana skill level +1. Increases DMG of each Vrishavahana hit to 35% of NIta's ATK +13.

Mahadeva (M5) Shield Acquisition Efficiency will increase as HP decreases, up to a max of 15%.

Nita Hands Neuronics

Neuronics is an enhancement of your existing Operative (character) skills.

You need to focus on her skills node first. You don't need to worry you can channel through all the 6 Neuronics tree notes when Nita Hands reaches level 80.

Nita Hands's Best Team Composition

Nita Hands's Team Comp Option

Nita Hands Team Compostion Option Snowbreak: Containment Zone - zilliongamer

Nita Hands uses Shotgun so she will work well with other DPS character that use AR, SMG, and Sniper rifle, since she has Shotgun, you should get close to enemy because it helps you deal a lot of damage.

The best DPS character you should put in Nita Hands team are Chenxing the Observer, Fritia Hush, Fritia Little Sunshine, Yao Winter Solstice, Haru Absconditus, and Lyfe Wild Hunt.

Nita Hands Outfit Skins List

Here you can find and view Nita Hand's outfit skin covering from the alpha version to the newest release skin in the game.

Nita Hands Default Skin Snowbreak: Containment Zone - zilliongamer


Nita Hands is great character, she deals a lot of damage in close-range, snice she not that good for long-range you should put her as a secondary damage dealer and have a DPS that have AR or Sniper.