Snowbreak: Lyfe Wednesday Build Guide & Team Composition

Lyfe Wednesday is a 4 -star character, she deals a little bit of electrical & chaos damage, check out Lyfe Wednesday build guide and team comp here.

Check out the best Lyfe Wednesday best weapon, logistics, manifestation, neuronics, and team composition in Snowbreak: Containment Zone here.

Best Weapon for Lyfe Wednesday Snowbreak: Containment Zone

The best weapons for Lyfe Wednesday are: Safety Line SMG (Rare), Hypochlorous Acid SMG (Epic), and Stardust Memory SMG (Legendary).

Best Weapon For Lyfe Wednesday Snowbreak: Containment Zone - zilliongamer

In early and mid-game best weapon for Lyfe Wednesday are Work in Progress and Napoleon in Black SMG, these weapons work very well with her, she can deal a decent amount of damage.

The best weapons for Lyfe Wednesday in late game are legendary Alloy Truth SMG because it helps increase her Chaos DMG.

Best Logistics for Lyfe Wednesday Snowbreak: Containment Zone

Best Logistics for Lyfe Wednesday: (Usha Squad) Ukaspa, Skylla, and Mose or Amano-Iwato, Gakumazawa, Alnair, and Red.

Best Logistics For Lyfe Wednesday Snowbreak: Containment Zone - zilliongamer

  • Ukaspa Squad will help increase her attack damage, her armor, and max health, any of these logistics should have a random stat in it if you are able to get chaos or electrical DMG stats make sure to equip it on Lyfe Wednesday.
    • 2 Officers: Increases auxiliary units strength DMG by 24%.
    • 3 Officers: Increases the DMG of auxiliary unit by 42% after the shot hits, lasts for 3 seconds, repeated triggers will reset the duration.
  • Ukaspa Squad
    • 2 Officers: Increases ballistic DMG by 24%.
    • 3 Officers: After a crit hit, increases ADS ballistic DMG by 10%, max 5 stacks, this effect will be cleared when Lyfe Wednesday leaves the field.

Lyfe Wednesday Manifestation

You can get an extra bonus Lyfe Wednesday stats Passive % by upgrading manifestation, we recommend upgrading from M1 to M3 Bird's Eye View to Conspiracy of Raven if you can.

Bird's Eye View (M1) when the raven attacks, there is a 10% chance to activeate whispering arrows, dealing electrical DMG equal to 15% of the raven's ATK.

Bird's Eye View (M1) when the raven attacks, there is a 10% chance to activate whispering arrows, dealing electrical DMG equal to 15% of the raven's ATK.

Conspiracy of Ravens (M2) after shooting a weak spot with an electrical weapon, activates the raven's whispering arrow Cooldown is 5 seconds.

Lyfe Wednesday Neuronics

Neuronics is an enhancement of your existing Operative (character) skills.

Lyfe Wednesday Neuronics Guide Snowbreak: Containment Zone - zilliongamer

You need to focus on her first 2 nodes on the top Special, Energy, and Range increase raven's command deploy, summons 2 additional thunders of judgement behind the target, and reduces S-Energy.

You don't need to worry you can channel through all the 6 Neuronics tree notes when Lyfe Wednesday reaches level 80.

Lyfe Wednesday's Best Team Composition

Lyfe Wednesday's Team Comp Option

Lyfe Wednesday Team Compostion Option Snowbreak: Containment Zone - zilliongamer

Lyfe Wild Hunt works very well with Lyfe Wednesday, Lyfe Wild Hunt can deal a lot of frost damage with her weapon you can put her as a primary damage dealer in Lyfe Wednesday team.

If you don't have great DPS character you can take Lyfe Wednesday as your primary damage dealer and make sure to have Chenxing the Observer or Enya Big Sis, if you don't have Lyfe Wild Hunt take Haru, Fritia Hush, or Yao Winter Solstice.

Lyfe Wednesday Outfit Skins List

Here you can find and view Lyfe Wednesday's outfit skin covering from the alpha version to the newest release skin in the game.

Interstellar Voyager Lyfe Wednesday

Interstellar Voyager Lyfe Wednesday Outfit Skin Snowbreak: Containment Zone - zilliongamer

Unlock Interstellar Voyager in Event.

Lyfe Wednesday

Lyfe Wednesday Default Outfit Skin Snowbreak: Containment Zone - zilliongamer

Default Lyfe Wednesday Outfit Skin.


Lyfe Wednesday is a great 4-star DPS character for beginner that just started to play this game, she deals high damage great with any support character & work well very with other DPS characters.