PUBG: New State Troi Map Locations

Welcome to PUBG: New State Troi Map. Find all detailed information about this map down below.

Troi Map Overview

Troi Map | PUBG: New State - zilliongamer

Troi is 8x8 in size map in PUBG: New State. This map brings trams, drones, advanced guns, and also has 22 loot areas that allow 100 players to battle in a Squad, Duo, or Solo to survive till the last minute of the game and Win a Chicken Dinner. 

Good Loot Areas

Good Loot Areas - Troi Map | PUBG: New State - zilliongamer

  • Anchorville
  • Chester
  • Exhibit Hall
  • Vermont
  • Swanton
  • Mall
  • Trailer Park

In this Troi Map, there are 7 good loot areas that all players can find a lot of high tier items such as: Helmet, Armor, Bag, Powerful Gun, Med Kits, Attachments, and Scope. Each area has enough amount quantity items for a Full Squad to loot. 

All of the 7 Areas above can be counted as dangerous spots to loot. Many good players also land in those areas. So always ready for a battle!

Down below is detailed information about 15 different areas inside this Troi Map.


Garrison Area - Troi Map | PUBG: New State - zilliongamer

Garrison is located in Northworth (330) inside the map. Garrison is an abandoned industry that has more than 10 buildings around that area. This is a safe place to loot and also has enough amount quantity items for a full Squad.

Vehicles can be found around that area.


Lab Area - Troi Map | PUBG: New State - zilliongamer

Lab is a small area located in the Northeast (45) inside the map. A High-tier gun, Med Kit can be found inside this area and also enough amount for a Squad to loot. But the attachment and scope are difficult to find.

One or Two Vechicles can be found around that area. 


Penrose Area - Troi Map | PUBG: New State - zilliongamer

Penrose is a city that has a lot of houses and all good items can found be there. This city is not a popular area where all the players usually drop in, but it's a really good place for looting.

This City is located in Northwest (315) inside the map.


Hilliard Area - Troi Map | PUBG: New State - zilliongamer

Hilliard is a small area that has only 4 warehouses is inside the area. And It's located in the Northwest (340) of the map. 

This is place is not good for looting few low-tier items can be found there.  

Hard to find vehicles need to run across one or two road find it.


Factory Area - Troi Map | PUBG: New State - zilliongamer

Old Factory that located in the Northeast (55) of the map. If the Squad wants to play safe and survive longer in the game consider this place it has enough items for a Squad to loot.

Vehicles can be found around that area.

Bay Area 

Bay Area Area - Troi Map | PUBG: New State - zilliongamer

Bay Area is a big city surrounded by a hundred houses and has a lot of hiding spots. This place is good for looting and fighting. High-tier items can be found in this place.

Bay Area is located in the East of the map. 


Mesa Area - Troi Map | PUBG: New State - zilliongamer

Mesa is a place where you can easily find all the attachments and scopes in every house inside that area. 

Medkit, Utility, Good tier weapon also can be found that area too.

If your team are looking for the attachment and scope Mesa is the best place. Mesa is located in the Center East of the map.


Port - Troi Map | PUBG: New State - zilliongamer

Port is located on the West side of the map near the sea. Port is one of the good places that all the players can find higher-tier items such as Armor, Helmet, Bag, Weapon, and Attachment inside the area. It also has a lot of cover places to hide from the enemy. 

Note: There is a New Moving Safehouse called Trams that can take from Port to Chester freely without any threat of being harmed. 


Cornwall - Troi Map | PUBG: New State - zilliongamer

Cornwall is located on the Southside of the map. This place is similar to Penrose which has a lot of houses easy for looting. 

This place has enough amount of items for a Squad.


Graveyard - Troi Map | PUBG: New State - zilliongamer

The Graveyard is the old church that was abandoned at the top of the mountain. If you play as a Squad not recommend landing there. Weapons and Medkits are not enough for a Squad to loot. This place is located in the Southeast of the map.

Vehicles are hard to find in that area.


Loganville - Troi Map | PUBG: New State - zilliongamer

Loganville is a big that has a lot of buildings and houses surrounding that area. Good items and hiding spots are available in that area. Loganville is located on the South side of the map.

Vehicles can be found around the area. 


Alamo - Troi Map | PUBG: New State - zilliongamer

Alamo is a small city located in the Southwest (240) of the map. Landing in that area is a bit hard to find a weapon and good items. 

So if you are playing as a team Alamo is not a place that your team should land.


Sunbury - Troi Map | PUBG: New State - zilliongamer

Sunbury is a big city surrounded by a lot of houses and has a lot of good items to loot. The amount of the items that area are enough 2 or 3 Squads to loot. Sunbury is also located in the Southwest (225) of the map.

Vehicles can be found around that area.


City Hall - Troi Map | PUBG: New State - zilliongamer

Cityhall is a big place located on the Southside of the map. There are enough items for one Squad to loot inside that area. City hall is not a popular area for landing and it also has moving safe houses around that area which means you can hop in it and travel for free without any harm.


Shelton - Troi Map | PUBG: New State - zilliongamer

Shelton is also located on the Southside of the map. It has a lot of houses and enough items for looting. But you need to travel across the bridge to reach that area. 

End of Troi Map Locations.