Tessa Outfit Skins List in Naraka Bladepoint

Here you can find and view all Tessa outfit skins in Naraka Bladepoint covering from alpha version to the newest release skin in the game.

You can also check out Tessa build here.

Tessa Outfit Skins List

Here are all Tessa outfit skins in Naraka Bladepoint:

Star Nine Tailed Destiny Tessa

Star Nine Tailed Destiny Tessa Outfit Skin in Naraka Bladepoint - zilliongamer

Bonus reward of Mythic Treasure.

Rarity: Extreme.

Nine Tailed Destiny Tessa

Nine Tailed Destiny Tessa Outfit Skin in Naraka Bladepoint - zilliongamer

Unlock by opening Mythic Treasure.

Rarity: Extreme.

Noir Sash Tessa

Noir Sash Tessa Outfit Skin in Naraka Bladepoint - zilliongamer

Buy in Tessa Collection Outfit or in Shop 1500 Gold After discount.

Rarity: Legendary.

Fairy Robe Tessa

Fairy Robe Tessa Outfit Skin in Naraka Bladepoint - zilliongamer

Unlock by Limited Time Vixen's Trick Event.

Rarity: Epic.

Shrewdness Violet Tessa

Shrewdness Violet Tessa Outfit Skin in Naraka Bladepoint - zilliongamer

Unlock by Tessa Hero Cultivation.

Rarity: Rare.

Shrewdness Tessa

Shrewdness Tessa Outfit Skin in Naraka Bladepoint - zilliongamer

Default Tessa Skin in the game.

End of Tessa Outfit Skins List Naraka Bladepoint.