Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth

Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth is in Weapon Ascension material of Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth - zilliongamer

Description: The life of a wolf is not without violence; broken bones or cracked teeth are nothing special. Andris found humans to be a disappiontment, but believed babies to e innocent. If both the wolf pack and the adpopted childeren chose each other, then they become a lupical, a fated family.

Item TypeWeapon Ascension Material
Rarity3 Stars

How to Get Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth

There is 1 source to obatian Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth:

  • Source 1: Cecilia Garden.

Craft Usage

NameImageCraft Type
Boreal Wolf's Broken FangGenshin Impact Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth Material - zilliongamerAlchemy

Weapon Ascension Usage

Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth is use for ascension weapons below:

Weapon Name
Alley Hunter
Aquila Favonia

Related Weapon Ascension

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