One Punch Man World Best Character Tier List in 2024

Choosing the Best Character in One Punch Man World is a bit tricky due to the game team comp. Let's break down the Best Character Tier List based on character strength in the game.

These are 21 characters choosing the ranking in the game and why some are considered better than others. 

Tier S (OP & God-Like Characters)

Tier S One Punch Man World - zilliongamer

Saitama (DreamWorld)

Saitama (Dreamworld) is the game changer in team fights. He can knock out most enemies with one punch! No matter how strong the opponent is, his attacks are huge and mess up the enemy's plans.

Just having him in the team fight will force the other team to focus on him, giving your other heroes space to attack.

He's like a superweapon on your side, making everyone play bolder. He works best with heroes who can either finish off what he starts or protect him while he charges up.

Atomic Samurai

Atomic Samurai is a master at taking down single enemies. He's super fast, hits hard, and his Atomic Slash can leave bleeding effects on enemies or shatter their defenses to make it easier for other heroes on your team to finish the job.

He can also counterattack, making him dangerous to fight head-on. While he's best against one enemy at a time, he has a few attacks that hit multiple targets.

Atomic Samurai works best when your team can boost his damage or keep him safe while he fights.


Silverfang is a tough fighter who consistently deals strong damage. His mix of survivability and damage makes him valuable in longer battles.

His ability to counterattack makes him a constant threat, punishing enemies who target him directly. On top of his own attacks, he can make enemies weaker or boost the power of his teammates.

While he has the ability to hit multiple targets, Silverfang truly shines when focused on taking down a single, dangerous opponent.

Speed-o'-Sound Sonic

Sonic excels at bursting down high-priority targets with incredible speed and single-target damage. He's so fast and sneaky, that he thrives against enemies with low defense, especially enemy damage dealers or supports.

His speed also messes up the enemy team's plans and takes their attention away from your other heroes. He can control or slow enemies set up excellent opportunities for Sonic to dive in and finish them off. 

Sonic works best with teammates who can follow up on his attacks and finish off the enemies he weakens.

Genos (Cyborg of Justice)

Genos deal a massive AoE damage (area-of-effect), his blasts can wipe out groups of weaker enemies or hurt a whole enemy team at the same time. 

Many of his attacks have the potential to inflict Burns on enemies, dealing damage over time and weakening them. He has attacks that work at close range and longer distances, giving him some adaptability. 

Depending on his form, Genos may have the ability to temporarily boost his own damage output.

Tier A (The Second Best Characters)

Tier A One Punch Man World - zilliongamer

Hellish Blizzard

Hellish Blizzard controls the fight using her psychic powers. She can slow down enemies, throw them around the battlefield, and blast entire groups at once.

Her crowd control abilities can punish aggressor teams that try to rush her down and some of her abilities can shield or buff her teammates to protect them.

Hellish Blizzard is strongest when the enemy team is bunched together, letting her attacks hit as many foes as possible.


Zombieman is the Ultimate Tank, he's incredibly hard to kill and can take a lot of punishment, the enemy has to waste time on him instead of attacking your more important heroes. 

He can survive massive attacks that would destroy other heroes, making him a nightmare for enemies who rely on quick victories.

Zombieman truly shines as the fight goes on as long as possible. He can heal himself and survive longer than other heroes.

Metal Knight

Metal Knight is a flexible fighter who can adapt to many situations. He brings a mix of direct attacks, robot helpers, and boosting team power.

His robots are great for controlling the battlefield, he can use them to block enemy movement, set up surprise attacks, or even protect important areas.

Metal Knight's attacks come in different flavors, meaning he's rarely left helpless against a strong enemy defense.

Tier B (Good Optional Characters)

Tier B One Punch Man World - zilliongamer

Puri-Puri Prisoner

Puri-Puri Prisoner has main strength lies in buffing both himself and his allies, increasing their damage output and survivability. 

When powered up, Puri-Puri Prisoner becomes even tankier and gains stronger attacks, making him a more immediate threat.

Puri-Puri Prisoner is such a unique character, he can make the game more fun for his team, can absorb a decent amount of damage, and has some attacks that force enemies to focus on him.

Golden Ball

Golden Ball's strength is his slingshot he can attack enemies from far away with his golden balls. Some of his attacks can hit multiple enemies at once, allowing him to pressure groups or clear out weaker targets.

Golden Ball can potentially support his team with buffs, depending on his form or setup. Golden Ball shines against enemies who lack mobility, as they have a harder time dodging his projectiles.

He works best on teams that want to win a long fight, slowly chipping away at the enemy's health.

Speed-o'-Sound Sonic (Prisoner)

Sonic focuses on weakening enemies, inflicting effects like bleeding, vulnerability, or reduced defense. This makes your whole team hit harder. 

Sonic (Prisoner) can still finish off weakened enemies if he builds up enough combo points. Compared to his standard form, Sonic (Prisoner) gains a bit more survivability, allowing him to stay in the fray longer and keep applying debuffs.


Genos offers a mix of single-target damage and AoE attacks, allowing him to adapt to different situations.

He can chain attacks together for extra damage, or capitalize on openings created by his teammates. Depending on his form, Genos can have increased survivability or focus on maximizing his damage output.

Tier C (Good for Starter)

Tier C One Punch Man World - zilliongamer


Stinger is great at taking down a single important enemy. His attacks are strong and focused. He can boost his own damage for a short time and is somewhat agile. This lets him chase his target or get out of trouble if needed.

Stinger can try to eliminate the enemy's main damage dealer or support hero early in the fight.

But, he has difficulty against multiple high-defense enemies. If his initial burst doesn't take down his target, he becomes less effective.

Lightning Max

Lightning Max can increase his own attack and critical hit chance, making him hit harder as the fight goes on. His attacks can be chained together, each one hitting harder than the last. He's best at fighting single enemies, but he can sometimes hit a few at once.

On the other hand, he has low defense, making him vulnerable to being taken out quickly. His strength depends on how long he can stay alive to build up his self-buffs. If he's taken out early, he's not very effective. While his buffs make him stronger over time, in very short fights, he has less impact compared to other heroes.

Spring Mustachio

Spring Mustachio is all about protecting his team. He uses special skills to make his allies tougher and can even heal them if they get hurt. While his main job is keeping his team safe, he can also surprise enemies with decent attacks if needed.

But, he's not a primary damage dealer; his strength relies on support. Spring Mustachio struggles with abilities that stun, silence, or immobilize can severely limit his ability to support his team.

Smile Man

Smile Man has the potential to raise the attack and defense of his allies, boosting their overall performance. Some of his skills can inflict status effects like confusion on enemies, and disrupting their plans. His unusual powers may catch opponents off guard, creating opportunities for his team.

Smile Man is not a reliable source of damage and struggles to directly take down enemies. He has low defenses and can be taken down easily if focused. Smiling Man isn't going to win the fight on his own. He needs teammates who can do damage while the enemy is confused.

Tier D (Weakest Character)

Tier D One Punch Man World - zilliongamer


Iairon is slow and lacks abilities to reposition himself quickly. This makes him vulnerable to being kited by ranged heroes or focused down. His attacks are primarily focused on straightforward melee combat, making him easy for skilled opponents to counter or evade. Iairon is best at fighting single targets, meaning he struggles against groups of enemies or teams who can spread out.


While intended to be on the frontlines, Snek lacks the defensive power of other tanky heroes. He can be overwhelmed if focused. Snek's focus is absorbing damage and controlling enemies, not dishing out large amounts of hurt himself.

Stuns, silences, or knockbacks can disrupt his ability to protect his team and limit his engagement options. Some of Snek's abilities are better against specific enemy types. He's less consistently reliable than other heroes.

Mumen Rider

Mumen Rider struggles to dish out meaningful damage, even against weaker enemies. He has some of the lowest defenses in the game, making him very easy to eliminate. Mumen Rider lacks abilities to disrupt enemy formations or control the battlefield. He doesn't provide significant buffs or utility to help his team in other ways.

Triple-Staff Lilly

Lilly has low defenses, making her vulnerable to being taken down quickly if targeted by enemies. While she can deal decent damage, Lilly is outclassed by dedicated damage dealers in terms of raw power.

She has some area-of-effect attacks, but they're not her primary focus, making her less effective against groups of enemies. Stuns, silences, or knockbacks can severely disrupt Lilly's ability to chain her attacks together effectively.

Saitama (Job Hunting)

He has some of the lowest stats in the game, making him incredibly fragile and incapable of dealing significant damage. He lacks any powerful attacks or skills, making him a non-factor in most fights.

He's like a punching bag with a face. The enemy might attack him for fun, letting your other heroes get some hits in. Saitama (Job Hunting) is so weak that it might make his teammates feel discouraged. But, some players might find it funny instead!


To sum up, This One Punch Man World Tier List is based on their overall power and usefulness in the game and also helps players decide which characters will fit best in their team and playstyle.