How to get Gold Ore in Arena Breakout and Make Profit

In Arena Breakout Gold Ore is an item that could be worth up to 90x its current value once appraised. The more Gold Ore you can get the higher chance of making a lot of money out of this item.

How to find Gold Ore

Currently, there are 2 ways to get Gold Ore in Arena Breakout. The first way is by simply Log into the game everyday and claim Gold Ore in Event Login, Get Gold.

How to get Gold Ore in Arena Breakout

By doing the first step, you will be able to get a total of 7 Gold Ores after 7 days checked in.

The second way to get Gold Ore will require you to play the game and you can find Gold Ore in electronic safes, safes, suitcases, and jackets. These are all the places that you can find Gold Ore inside every map.

Now that you know how to get Gold Ore, it’s time to make profit out of this item.

How to Make money with Gold Ore

You can identify your Gold Ore in the Gold Rush tab by pressing recast, the higher rarity you get when during the identification the more you can get out of the Gold Ore.

Here are a list of how much you can make out of each Gold Rush rarity:

  1. Deke Vision Rare - 25,000 Koen
  2. Flawless Rare - 13,000 Koen
  3. Rodriguez Rare - 13,000 Koen 
  4. 80.9% Gold Content - 13,000 Koen
  5. Fred Rare - 8,000 Koen
  6. 63.6% Gold Content - 6,000 Koen
  7. 65.3% Gold Content - 6,000 Koen
  8. 71.2% Gold Content - 6,000 Koen
  9. Alan Juve Uncommon - 6,000 Koen
  10. Precious Uncommon - 6,000 Koen
  11. Rare Uncommon - 6,000 Koen
  12. Scarce Uncommon - 6,000 Koen
  13. Frank Juve Uncommon - 5,000 Koen
  14. James Warren Uncommon - 5,000 Koen
  15. Wesley Warren Uncommon - 3,000 Koen
  16. Defective Exquisite - 2,000 Koen
  17. Normal Exquisite - 2,000 Koen
  18. Good Exquisite - 2,000 Koen
  19. 34.2% Gold Content - 2,000 Koen
  20. 22.8% Gold Content Exquisite - 2,000 Koen
  21. 29.1% Gold Content Exquisite - 2,000 Koen
  22. Unnamed Exquisite - 1,000 Koen

If you don’t like the result after the first gold identification, you can use a recast or reset coupon for a better chance of getting better rarity.

In order to get more reset coupon you just need to get into the raids 2 times and you will get a total of 4 reset coupon every day.

Also, after you get the rarity you want don’t forget to claim it before you sell your Gold Ore.


Overall, this is a good event for players that struggle to make a lot of money during raid, you can use this money as a way to helps you make more money.