Best Character in Naraka: Bladepoint Season 8

Check out who is the best character in Naraka Bladepoint Season 8 here including detail on character and why you should pick them to play in solo duo or trio rank mode.

We rank these characters in tier list S for best, A for very good, B for good, C and D for decent. Check out the best character in Naraka Bladepoint season 8 here.

Best Character in Season 8

Best Character in Naraka Bladepoint Season 8 - zilliongamer

Yoto Hime

Yoto Hime she still one of the strongest character in the game her large amount of damage come from her skill and Ultimate one of her skill call Spirit Slash: Vortex is the skill for her.

When Active fling out a blade which move in a slow speed dealing damage to enemy close to the fling blade and block all weapon attacks when Yoto Hime low health she can use this skill to pop health or armor pot.

Yoto Hime ultimate can deal very very high damage if enemy can't timing the dodge she will deal very high damage and she also heal off of it as well but if the enemy can dodge out of the way her ultimate means nothing.

Ziping Yin

Ziping Yin she is the best character for solo her F2 ability is the reason why she can flee any fight that she want most player will just not chase Ziping Yin unless if they want to waste 10 to 13 grapping hook that why she deserve in S tier.

Her F2 ability you can interrupt or completely ignore her as long as her inspiration shield is up it recharge her shield back up you have a small window to catch Ziping Yin out for most of the good Ziping Yin you never got to hold of her.


Matari could be in A or S tier it depend on how good are you with her while her skill Silent Flutter still allow her to get out of certain situation in a very effective way they do not allow you to act while under attack.

Her ultimate give her a saving grace allow you flee from the enemy combos or chase enemies a lot she can chase enemies very well she full of offensive whenever you need her to be so that why she should be in S or A tier.

Takeda Nobutada

Takeda still the top of the order in A tier he still the strongest 1vs1 character that has infinities he can interrupt other character out of attack up to 3 times it can get you out of combos and counter if he use his V1 ability.

For his F3 skill it still very very strong a lot of people use it as a golden focus interrupt especially with the damage reduction F3 or F1 he still the strongest 1vs1 character. In the same tier as Tarka Ji but we do believe he stronger than Tarka Ji and Temulch.


Wuchen probably fits in A tier he does have an unrivaled ability to flee with his portals which is his ultimate it offer a free reset and when you want to re engage in a fight.

His skill ability F also allow him to heal, shield, and get out of certain attack which is very good that being said he doesn't change that much since released he right below Takeda Nobutada.

Justina Gu

Justina Gu got nerd quite a little bit in A tier probably able to pick in solos mode she still viable but not one of the strongest still does very well in solos queue her ultimate definitely allow you a free escape in most cases especially if you play her well.

A scenario where players still can grapple Justina Gu in the middle of escaping it not like a for sure thing we would say probably a lot of chance she can escape it depending on the corners or the terrain for her F1 and F2 skill still pretty dominant as far as you avoid damage.

Valda Cui

Valda Cui has actually picked up quite a lot we would say Valda Cui is below Justina Gu. Her F1 skill it's not the most viable thing it very similar with Temulch. 

Valda Cui can deal very high damage especially with her new combos bubble into Greatsword that at least half of your heal or armor gone if Valda Cui manage to hit you with bubble the bubble can interrupt most action from enemy.

If Valda Cui throws out her bubble and if you not ready for it then you're kind just gonna eat a lot of free damage from her also her ultimate Valda Cui's Ultimate is pretty much half of a health bar guaranteed damage in V1.


Zai is a new character in the game just like Akos Hu she can deal damage and knock back nearby enemies and burn them with her F2 skill currently Zai is one of the strongest character in the game.

Her ultimate can deal very high AOE damage when active her ultimate she will switch her weapon into Chain Scythe throw the Chain toward enemy when stab forth will restore her health and armor.

We can rank her on A tier because her ability can deal very high damage and she also can knock back enemies and restore her health and armor can't really do anything that much since she still a new character that just release 4 days ago.