Wizard Gears List - All Legendary Gears

Welcome to Wizard Gears List, Find all Wizard legendary Head, Chest, Shoulder, and Legs in Diablo Immortal here.

Wizard Head List

Wizard Head: Vision of the Frozen Path | Diablo Immortal - zilliongamerVision of the Frozen PathFrozen Orb Inscription: Scorch now launches a frozen orb that continually damages nearby enemies and Chills them.
Wizard Head: Crown of Arcane Truths | Diablo Immortal - zilliongamerCrown of Arcane TruthsArcane Orb Inscription: Scorch now launches an arcane orb that explodes when activated again or when it expires, damaging all nearby enemies. Damage and explosion radius grow as it travels.
Wizard Head: Vaetia's Resourceful Coutenance | Diablo Immortal - zilliongamerVaetia's Resourceful CoutenanceElectric Orb Inscription: Scorch now launches an electric orb that stops traveling when it strikes the first enemy, and then continually electrocutes and Stuns nearby enemies.
Wizard Head: Cowl of the Abyss | Diablo Immortal - zilliongamerCowl of the AbyssBlack Hole radius increased by X%.
Wizard Head: Memory of Xiaoyu | Diablo Immortal - zilliongamerMemory of XiaoyuFlaming Orbs Inscription: Scorch now conjures four flaming orbs that orbit around you and explode when they strike enemies, damaging and Burning all nearby enemies.
Wizard Head: Mask of Illusions | Diablo Immortal - zilliongamerMask of IllusionsTeleport now causes you to become invisible and leave behind a mirror image.
Wizard Head: Lyan's Resonant Wisdom | Diablo Immortal - zilliongamerLyan's Resonant WisdomTeleport now conjures a lightning cloud at your destination, dealing X damage to all nearby enemies over X seconds.

Wizard Shoulder List

Wizard Shoulder: Angmar's Repulsive Burden | Diablo Immortal - zilliongamerAngmar's Repulsive BurdenScorch will now knock enemies away.
Wizard Shoulder: Phoenix Mantle | Diablo Immortal - zilliongamerPhoenix MantleScorch radius increased by X%.
Wizard Shoulder: Shoulders of the Cataclysm | Diablo Immortal - zilliongamerShoulders of the CataclysmMeteor damage increased by X%.
Wizard Shoulder: Pads of Protection | Diablo Immortal - zilliongamerPads of ProtectionEntropy Inscription: Disintegrate now fractures into a short-ranged cone.
Wizard Shoulder: Searing Judgement | Diablo Immortal - zilliongamerSearing JudgementFiery Beam Inscription: Disintegrate now channels Fire, Burning enemies for additional damage over time.
Wizard Shoulder: Arcane Intensifiers | Diablo Immortal - zilliongamerArcane IntensifiersDisintegrate will fire a stronger instantaneous beam after a short.
Wizard Shoulder: Rime Mantle | Diablo Immortal - zilliongamerRime MantleEnemies killed by Ray of Frost will shatter, dealing X damage to all nearby enemies and inflicting Chill.

Wizard Chest List

Wizard Chest: Frostreaver's Garments | Diablo Immortal - zilliongamerFrostreaver's GarmentsIce Cyrstal now summons a freezing crystal that inflicts greater damage over time and stacking Chill.
Wizard Chest: Robes of the Avalanche | Diablo Immortal - zilliongamerRobes of the AvalancheBlizzard Inscription: Ray of Frost now channels a blizzard around you, continually damaging and Chilling nearby enemies.
Wizard Chest: Zann Esu Elemental Weave | Diablo Immortal - zilliongamerZann Esu Elemental WeaveIce Nova Inscription: Lightning Nova now hurls balls of Chilling ice.
Wizard Chest: Ellora's Fervor | Diablo Immortal - zilliongamerEllora's FervorLightning Nova now hurls balls of Burning fire.
Wizard Chest: Regalia of the Archmage | Diablo Immortal - zilliongamerRegalia of the ArchmageLightning Nova now hurls balls of Immobilizing arcane energy.
Wizard Chest: Starcaller's Drapery | Diablo Immortal - zilliongamerStarcaller's DraperyMeteor radius increased by X%.
Wizard Chest: Kyn's Cyromantle | Diablo Immortal - zilliongamerKyn's CyromantleRay of Frost now unleashes a stronger instantaneous beam after a short delay, damaging and freezing all enemies in its path.

Wizard Legs List

Wizard Legs: Galebringers Leggings | Diablo Immortal - zilliongamerGalebringers LeggingsArcane Wind damage increased by X%.
Wizard Legs: Chaos Nexus | Diablo Immortal - zilliongamerChaos NexusDisintegrate channels up to X additional beams at nearby enemies, each continually dealing X damage.
Wizard Legs: Starcaller's Breeches | Diablo Immortal - zilliongamerStarcaller's BreechesMeteor Shower Inscription: Meteor now continually damages enemies an area, but no longer Stuns.
Wizard Legs: Frostwalkers | Diablo Immortal - zilliongamerFrostwalkersIcy Meteor Inscription: Meteor now summons an icy meteor, dealing damage and covering the area with ice that deals additional damage and Chills enemies.
Wizard Legs: Riftdancer's Stride | Diablo Immortal - zilliongamerRiftdancer's StrideDisplacement Inscription: Teleport now targets a location where it also damages all nearby enemies.
Wizard Legs: Time-Warped Cloth | Diablo Immortal - zilliongamerTime-Warped ClothRewind Inscription: Teleport can now be recast, transporting you back to your original location.
Wizard Legs: Kavil's Grand Revelation | Diablo Immortal - zilliongamerKavil's Grand RevelationEnemies killed by Disintegrate will explode, dealing X damage to all nearby enemies.

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