9x39mm Ammo Stats & Compatible Weapons

In Arena Breakout there are 4 types of 9x39mm ammo in Arena Breakout.

Find these ammo base damage, penetration power, and compatible weapons inside this article here.

9x39mm Ammo Chart

In this this ammo chart, you can find the details of 9x39mm ammo base damage, penetration level, and their bullet velocity.

Arena Breakout 9x39mm ammo chart

The 4 differences types of 9x39mm in Arena Breakout as SP 5, SP 6, 7N9, and 7N12.

This ammo is exclusively compatible with VSS marksman rifle.

9x39mm Ammo Graph

Inside this part, we present you a full graph comparison of the 9x39mm featuring their base damage and penetration power.

Arena Breakout 9x39mm ammo graph

9x39mm SP 5

The 9x39mm SP 5 is a tier 3 penetration bullet that deal 67 base damage and 33 penetration power plus 15 armor damage and 290m/s bullet velocity.

The SP 5 is a good ammo to use for close range enemy, and it's has great armor penetration as well.

Price wise, this ammo cost you around 308 Koen per unit. (Price can change).

9x39mm SP 6

The SP6 ammo is a tier 4 penetration bullet with 57 base damage and 41 penetration power alongside with 26.5 armor damage.

It's has a fast bullet velocity of 305m/s, which is great for close and medium range.

The 9x39mm SP 6 cost you around 504 Koen per unit. (Price can change).

9x39mm 7N9

The 9x39mm 7N9 is another tier 4 penetration ammo that deal 60 base damage and 47 penetration power plus 12.6 armor damage.

It's has lower armor damage than the SP6 but a little bit faster bullet velocity of 310m/s. This ammo is great for close range.

The 9x39mm 7N9 can cost you around 410 Koen per unit and the price can change.

9x39mm 7N12

The 7N12 is a tier 5 penetration bullet that deal a base damage of 55 and 50 penetration power, it's has 21.7 armor damage and 295m/s bullet velocity.

This ammo is great for close to medium range. It's the highest tier ammo in the 9x39mm type and the most expensive.

Price wise, the 9x39mm 7N12 can cost you around 836 Koen per unit and the price might change.


In conclusion, The 9x39mm ammo is a steel core bullet that is only compatible to one weapon in Arena Breakout.